My Life as a Fireman: The Bergen County Firemen’s Home Association: Annual June Meeting and Barbecue June 10th, 2023

Another successful barbecue.

NJ State Fireman’s Association President and BCFHA member Bob Ordway with Chef Prince of the NJ State Firemen’s Home Association at the June Barbecue.

The Bergen County Firemen's Home Association

On the afternoon of June 10th, 2023, the Bergen County Firemen’s Home Association sponsored our annual barbecue which we sponsor each June for residents and their families at the NJ State Firemen’s Home in Boonton, NJ. With the COVID restrictions slowly being lifted, families were finally able to join us for the occasion which makes these events special. This annual picnic is paid for the Bergen County Firemen’s Home Association with the generosity from fire departments all over Bergen County.

We lucked out with a sunny, warm day and this got residents and their families outside to enjoy the nice weather and a wonderful food. The members of the kitchen staff along with our member and grill master, NJ State Firemen’s Association President Bob Ordway, cooked a wonderful barbecue lunch that included chili, hamburgers, hot dogs, ribs, potato and cole slaw salads, corn on the cob, baked beans…

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