Tag Archives: My life at NYU-Graduate School

Day Two Hundred and Seventy-Nine Exploring Palermo, Giardini Naxos and attending my Brother’s Wedding June 8th-12th, 2023

It was hard leaving Palermo after two days. I wish I had more time to explore the city and visit more museums and parks. I did a lot in two days but there was more that I wanted to see. For the next time I visit Palermo.

On another rather gloomy, rainy morning I had to gather my things and head on a bus to the other side of the island. I would be heading to Giardini Naxos for three days of rest before my brother’s wedding.

I packed everything up and had a nice breakfast in the breakfast room at the B& B. Giovanni had a nice meal set up that morning and could not have been more gracious to me. I was the only one eating there that morning so I had my choice of what I wanted to eat.

The breakfast assortment at the La Tua Dimora B & B

It was really nice. There were fresh pastries and cakes, tiny egg salad sandwiches, fresh fruits plus tea and coffee. The hosts here put out a nice breakfast.

My early morning breakfast at the La Tua Dimora B & B

After a nice goodbye ( through Google Translate), he ordered me a cab and off I went to the train station, where J picked up the bus to take to the other side of the island. Talk about confusion. I got the tickets fine with ticket people who spoke English fine but none of the drivers spoke English so it made it an adventure.

We were throwing our luggage under the bottom of the bus and grabbing our seats. Than it was off to the other side of the island. Riding through the interior of the island was fun. It is interesting to see places away from the tourist districts. We drove through towns that had wineries on the hills and farms in the valleys. We even passed Enna, where my grandfather came from before he immigrated to the United States. Like I said about Palermo, it was like coming home and understanding people.

Walking into the heart Giardini Naxos on my first day.

After a two hour bus ride, we arrived that the Catania Airport, where I got off and took another bus up the coastline to Giardini Naxos, a small resort town south of Taormina, that reminded me of an Italian Miami Beach. It had a lot of older foreign tourists, lots of gift shops catering to them and restaurants that served mediocre food. I had one of the worst Italian meals that I have ever eaten across the street from the hotel I was staying out.

The lobby of the Delta Hotels by Marriott Giardini Naxos


My review on TripAdvisor:


The lobby of the hotel

I stayed at Delta Hotels by Marriott Giardini Naxos on the recommendation of a friend of mine and I have to say that if Giardini Naxos is our comparison to Miami Beach than this hotel is the equivalent to The Fontainebleau Hotel. I had just read that Marriott has just taken over the hotel a few months earlier and when I walked in I could tell that it was going to need a major overhaul. The hotel was clean and well maintained but decorated like something out of the Reagan Administration. The hotel looked like it was locked in 1980.

The lounge overlooking the pool at night.

What was nice about the hotel was that they upgraded me to a ocean front suite with a terrace and it was nice waking up to this for three mornings. After two and a half weeks of running around, these three days were my vacation time. I did not have to do anything or be anywhere or run around. If I wanted to sleep in, I could and if I wanted to run around and do something, I could without having to worry about anyone else. I had three wonderful night’s sleep at the hotel and finally had the first rest in a month (classes had ended a week before this trip and I was busy for those six days in-between both colleges and leaving for Paris).

The view from my room at the hotel

The rooms had heavy ornate furniture that looked a bit dated as well but the Marriott beds are the most comfortable in the industry and after I unpacked, I napped for two hours and just listened the waves crack on the shore outside. It was finally nice after almost three weeks of running around cities to just stop and relax.

That evening I decided I wanted to stay close to the hotel but the dinner menu at the hotel was not what I wanted so I ventured outside to look at the menus of the restaurants in the area. This is where you get ‘tourist trapped”. By being in close proximity of the hotel you would think they would be good but the menus were the same as you would see in the United States and the food is mediocre at best. I could not believe that I came all the way to Italy and ate awful Italian food. Funny enough I remember saying the same thing when I was in China.

I ate at a restaurant named Cotto & Magiato and it is best left forgotten. I should have known I was in trouble when the wine came to the table and it was watery. The bread that they brought to the table was strictly from some supermarket and the salad was shredded iceberg lettuce like you would get on a sandwich. The entrée was Fettuccini Alfredo and it was a soupy gloppy mess with no flavor (I don’t know if it even had bacon in it).

Cotto & Mangiato (who could imagine food could taste like this)

I should have known when they brought out tasteless wine and bread from a supermarket.

The Salad looked a bowl of topping for a deli sandwich. No salads look like this in the United States.

This gloppy mess is their version of Fettuccini Alfredo

I did not dare have dessert here. I paid the bill and left. I was really disappointed because it looked like such a nice place from the outside. I should have heeded the warning when I saw that the restaurant was empty. That is an omen in the restaurant industry.

I decided to take a long walk along the shoreline to work off the dinner and stretch my legs after that long trip. The bay of Giardini Naxos is just beautiful. It was still light out when I finished my dinner so I was able to enjoy the sunny late Spring evening.

The harbor at Giardini Naxos before it got dark.

After a long walk around the bay and I knew where to explore the next day, I headed back to the hotel and went to bed. The weather was supposed to be nicer the next day and I would have more time to walk around in the morning. I slept so soundly.

The next morning I got ready for breakfast. The breakfast buffet was included in the package and it was a nice assortment of hot goods, baked goods and fresh fruits. It was a very impressive set up but there was a problem with the hot foods. They were not geared towards Americans, Canadians or the British. The scrambled eggs were runny, the bacon and sausage uncooked and the potatoes looked like Dollar Tree French Fries. This is why the omelet station was so overwhelmed every morning that I was there.

The Breads and Pastries

The buffet set up in the main Dining Room

The tarts and cakes on the buffet line.

For the two mornings that I ate there, I stuck with the line for the fresh omelets and pastries with some fruit. The baked goods and pastries were delicious and it was all you can eat and trust me, people went back multiple times. The views of the ocean from the deck were amazing and the breezes were wonderful. It was such a nice way to spend the morning.

After I finished breakfast, it was off to Giardini Naxos to explore the coastline and the beautiful bay with its stores and restaurants. Then it would be off to visit the Greek Museum site. It would be a wonderful afternoon of walking around and working on my tan while enjoying the town.

The beautiful flowers along the walk to the bay.

It was a glorious, sunny, clear day that morning and it was perfect to explore the bay area. Everything in Giardini Naxos was within walking distance from the hotel and it gave me a chance to see the parks and restaurants that lined the bay.

Exploring the bay of Giardini Naxos the first full morning in the city.

Another view of the bay

The three views of the Giardini Naxos bay.

I walked the length of the bay to see what businesses were located there and also to look for the local laundry facility so that I could do my wash that I did not have time to do before I left Prague. It is amazing how things pile up when you travel.

The bay area of the coast was beautiful and the street that follows the bay was lined with statuary, plantings and fountains. It was such a beautiful walking tour of the area.

The Little Mermaid fountain on the shore line of Giardini Naxos.

The flower pots with cactus lined the sidewalks

Potted plants and cactus lined the walkway all along the pathway around the bay. Here and there statuary was placed and displayed and there were many outdoor cafes selling coffee, ice cream and desserts to stop by and sit and relax. I found all of this very civil and relaxing. It was nice to just stop and enjoy the view and the weather. I found in Europe that people like to enjoy life.

Another interesting statue along the walkway

Walking along the path around the bay at Giardini Naxos

Al the flowers were in bloom on this beautiful late Spring day.

This was the first day of the time I spent in Europe that I was not writing a paper, analyzing a restaurant, running through a subway or bus stop and just stopped and enjoyed Europe. I did not have to be anywhere or meet anyone and it felt terrific. I spent my morning just walking around the bay and then visited the Greek archaeological site of Naxos.

Museum and Archaeological area of Naxos


My review on TripAdvisor:


The grounds by the museum building.

The grounds around the museum.

The description of the ancient fort

This is a description of the site from the Museum of Archaeology of Naxos:

Built on Cape Schisò, the museum is closely linked to the site of ancient Naxos: a section of the ancient boundary wall crosses its garden, and from the museum begins the itinerary that winds its way through the ancient urban area, using a small farm road and then the route of the plateia B (Museum website).

The entrance to the Fortress section of the museum

The collections of the Museum are mostly made up of finds from excavations carried out on the site for over 50 years. To these are added a small nucleus of materials purchased in Taormina by P. Orsi or donated to him or coming from research he conducted, as in the case of the kits of three burials of Cocolonazzo di Mola (excavations 1919), which, dating back to the second half from the 8th century BC, they represent the most effective evidence of the encounter between Greek and Sicilian colonists (Museum website).

The inside of the museum artifacts from the dig.

Artifacts from the digs at the site.

Artifacts from the dig

A final exception is a much more recent acquisition. This is the Arula (530 B.C.) Heidelberg – Naxos with facing sphinxes, reassembled by P. Pelagatti, by reuniting a fragment conserved in the Museum of the University of Heidelberg and a fragment purchased by herself in 1973 in Giardini. The actual reassembly, which took place only in 1997, has enriched the Museum with a remarkable example of coroplasts produced in Naxos at the end of the 6th century BC (Museum website).

Vases, pots and household items.

The exhibition follows a topographical chronological criterion with particular attention to the grouping of some classes of materials , such as above all the architectural cladding slabs and the silene mask antefixes, which represent one of the most significant productions of the city. With different types, it has developed continuously since the last decades of the 6th century BC. (Silenus A) until the end of the 5th century BC (Sileni B and C), offering an effective testimony of the spread of the cult of Dionysus, whose image has characterized Naxos’ coinage since its first issues (Museum website) .

Household items for the home.

The entrance halls are dedicated to the prehistory of the site and the first phase of development of the Greek colony of Naxos. The splendid cup of Stentinello, found not far from the Museum, documents the beginning of life at the Neolithic site on the Capo Schisò (Museum website).

Facial pottery

Among the oldest materials of the colony, a prominent place is occupied by Corinthian imports, and in particular by numerous fragments of cups of the type of Thapsos (740-700 BC). In association with the Corinthian late-geometric pottery there is imported Euboic pottery, and to a greater extent imitation pottery produced in Naxos. A few specimens of sub-geometric hydrias from the northern necropolis are displayed alongside other grave goods from the first decades of the 6th century BC (Museum website).

The Second Floor of the museum.

The two rooms on the upper floor are dedicated, one (room A) to finds from the sacred areas, the other (room B) to those from the archaic and classical city and from the necropolises of the 5th and 3rd centuries BC. The rooms are preceded by the coin cabinet currently being set up, where a number of specimens of silver coins from the Classical period from mints in various cities of Sicily and Reggio, all discovered in the northern quarter (Scavi 1996), are collected (Museum website).

The Anchor and underwater artifacts on the second floor of the museum.

The underwater finds they are contained in the hall of the 16th century tower adjacent to the museum building. It displays the vast repertoire of stone anchors and lead anchors, specimens mostly taken in the 1960s from the bay of Naxos and Taormina (Museum website).

The Anchor display on the Second floor of the museum.

The museum is a fascinating place as it shows in detail the life and structure of the colony that was set up on the island by the Greeks. This was not just a fortress but the day to day lives of the people that lived there. This is not just art but who these people were and the civilization that they created in Sicily and how it shaped the island.

Private homes in the colony.

What I liked about the museum itself was that it had all the household items and business needs of the people of the colony organized to show the craftsmanship and business efforts that these colonists brought with them from Greece. The museum did a wonderful job chronology of the art so you can see how these people lived.

The fortress of the colony.

The outside of the museum I was able to to walk out into the field and see where the forts, homes and businesses were located. Each section of the outside of the museum was at various stages of work with the archaeologists. Some of the areas were corded off and some have been open and you can see where the layout of the buildings once were in the field. This was once a thriving shipping and fishing area and still is to this day.

More houses on the site.

What was fascinating about it was how well preserved it all was and we can see it as they had it back then. It was fun to walk through the field and see how the colony was set up and how people lived at that time. It looked like a pile of rocks until your realize that this was the homes of shippers, fisherman and tradesman.

More houses on the site.

Towards the back of the site, there were archaeologists working who shooed me away from the site so new things are being discovered on the site all the time. This museum is a work in progress and there will be more to see and exploring in the future on this site. You will need your walking shoes to explore this outside museum.

Work still being done on the site.

I thought this was a fascinating way to spend the morning and early afternoon and could not believe what I learned about early Greek colonization. This site was a real eye opener and the museum was interesting in what has been found and what is displayed. There was some real creativity in this site as well.

After my trip to the museum, I decided to continue my walk along the walkway along the bay. Right around the corner from the museum I discovered an interesting statue that was a contemporary copy of the “Winged Venus” or the “Winged Victory”. It faced the ocean as the original statue had.

The Nike by artist Carmelo Mendola

“The Winged Nike: by artist Carmelo Mendola

Carmelo Mendola was an Italian artist who was self taught in the field. He started out as an industrial trader. It was only in his later 40’s that he began to sculpt. Many of his pieces are on display in Italy (Wiki).

Artist Carmelo Mendola


As I walked back to the bay, I passed the boat basin. The area was filled with flowers along the trails and the area was used for pleasure boating.

Walking on the side walk past the boat basin.

The beautiful flowers along the bay.

The view of the bay from the boat basin.

Right near the boat basin this cat family was living under the flowers. The little kitchens were playing with each other as the mother hid.

I walked along the path in search of a place to eat lunch. There were many choices along the way. Having been burned the first night with that lousy Italian restaurant, I wanted to find something less touristy so I kept walking.

The sidewalk path along the bay.

Following people along the sidewalk path.

Along the sidewalk path along the bay there are so many choices for lunch, many of which have the same menus and can be very pricy. I remember passing some more local places further down the bay from the center of the tourist section of Giardini Naxos.

When you reach a certain point in the town it turns from tourist to local people with the homes of the people who live and work here. There are businesses further down that cater to them. That is when I came across Passion Fruit, a small local take out place.

Passion Fruit at Via Umberto 364 Di Nigri Rosario in Giardini Naxos


My review on TripAdvisor:


The ladies working there were really nice to me and since none of us spoke each other’s languages very well, this is where the Google translate came in handy. I was able to order my meal with a combination of my iPhone and pointing. They had the most amazing selection of pizza, sandwiches and rice balls. I was not that hungry from eating a big breakfast but still I found room for a slice of pizza and a meat ragu rice ball. They were both excellent.

The front of Passion Fruit

The front of Passion Fruit

My lunch: the delicious pizza and a meat ragu filled rice ball.

I was really impressed by this small restaurant/take out place. The pizza was very simple and delicious. What they called ‘pizza’ is what we would call “Sicilian Pizza”, which is appropriate being in Sicily. The pizza sauce I could tell was made with fresh tomatoes and olive oil. The rice ball was a special treat. Not quite the ones I had in Palermo but still it had been warmed up for me and when I bit into it, I could taste the richness of the meat simmered in the sauce. They did a wonderful job with the food and seemed happy that I was so happy.

I sat outside on the chairs and sat facing the bay. It was the greatest lunch to just enjoy eating something so simple with a view of the Giardini Naxos Bay. At that moment of time, I did not want to be anywhere else but there. It was the perfect combination of delightful food and wonderful views.

For dessert, I walked further down the street on the way back from the hotel and found an ice cream and pastry shop that was just as good. I tasted the most amazing lemon gelato at La Dolceteria at Via Umberto 390 Lungomare IV Novembre 199. The gelato here was sweet creamy and dense and had the most amazing flavor. It was tart and refreshing on a hot day.

The front of La Dolceteria on the walkway around the bay.

The other desserts looked amazing, and it I had been hungrier, I would have taken up a few more of them. This pastry shop looks similar to those in the states but the quality here is excellent. The service is very nice for people who speak no English. They were very nice and understanding of me.

La Dolceteria at Via Umberto 390 Lungomare IV Novembre 199.



My review on TripAdvisor:


La Dolceteria pastries and cookies for sale.

The luscious lemon gelato at La Dolceteria.

After my lunch and dessert, I continued to explore around the bay neighborhood, popping into shops and looking for the place that I would have to do my laundry the next day. I had been running out of clothes since I left Prague, and I would have to do the laundry before I left for the villa we would be staying at for the wedding. I knew what my last day in Giardini Naxos would be and I wanted to enjoy myself today.

I got back to the room that afternoon and just relaxed. I ended up falling asleep in the room and woke up later that evening. I just walked around the hotel and looked at the ocean. It was such an amazing evening.

On my last day at the resort, I wanted to do something exciting and did the laundry that took up most of the afternoon. I was talking with a local woman while I was doing the laundry through Google Translate. Then her machines would not open, and she had to bring her husband over and the three of us talked through Google Translate after he got the machine open. That was interesting.

The back of the Delta Hotel Marriott Giardini Naxos.

After the laundry was all done and packed for the next day, I walked around the resort to see what the grounds were like and then spent the rest of the afternoon on a lounge chair at the beach. That was the nicest part of the trip, relaxing and doing nothing.

The Delta Hotel’s view from the deck at the back of the hotel.

The view of the hotel pool and the grounds

The hotel’s pool area. The place filled up early on a hot, sunny day.

The pool and beach lounge area.

The Beach at the hotel. It was all small pebbles.

The gardens at the Delta Hotel.

Walking around the back of the hotel I began to appreciate the beauty of the hotel. The gardens are really wonderful. The only problem that I had with the ground is that the beach is tiny pebbles and not a sandy beach like an ocean beach. You have to wear sandals on these beaches. It didn’t bother me as I got to relax by the beach for the rest of the afternoon.

That evening the hotel was promoting a ‘Happy Hour’ to all the guests and Guest Services was really pushing it. When I went there were barely anyone was at the hotel lobby bar. There was about five people there. The drinks were not half price and the complimentary appetizers were very strange. Items that you might see on a menu in Hawaii or a hotel in the South Pacific. They had raw tuna in a plastic box.

These are the crazy appetizers they were serving.

The very strange complimentary appetizers at the “Happy Hour”

I could not eat these things so I ordered a rice ball appetizer. Now I just had a wonderful rice ball in town and excellent ones in Palermo so I expected to see something pretty spectacular at the hotel knowing Marriott dining. I don’t think the hotel has someone who knows how ot deep fry food because the rice balls that came out looked like frozen ones from Sysco and they were served with French fries, which I thought was strange. The French Fries were barely cooked and the rice balls had no flavor to them. When I showed them to the bartender, he was embarrassed by the whole thing and took them off my bill. I finished my drink and left the bar. It was not one of the better “Happy Hours” that I had experienced and was not too happy about it.

The uncooked Rice balls and French Fries. It was pretty bad.

On my last day at the resort, I did all my laundry and got packed to meet the rest of the wedding party at a villa that we were all staying at. I got everything in order at the hotel and met my brother in the lobby with my niece. I had not seen her in four years and barely recognized her. It was nice to see them both again.

My niece and I at the Marriott Delta Hotel

My brother took us out for a family dinner in Giardini Naxos and it was one for the books. No body was content with my suggestion of going back to the place with the amazing pizza and rice balls so we stopped at this seafood restaurant right by the harbor which ended up being one of the biggest tourist traps in Giardini Naxos. According to TripAdvisor and other online sites, the owner of this restaurant can see an American tourist a mile away. Thought the food was good, it was the biggest scam I had ever seen in my thirty years in the Hospitality industry ( I have to admit that the food was good but not worth the price paid for it).

Restaurant Sabbie d’Oro at Via Schiso 14 in Giardini Naxos.

My review on TripAdvisor:


Let me put it this way, this restaurant has been ripping tourists off with the ‘fresh catch of the day’ line and will show you a bunch of fish in the tank and then serve you one or two of them and the rest come from the refrigerator or freezer. It is the biggest joke online. Everyone who eats there who reviews it gives it the same write up.

Our ‘complimentary’ appetizer wit hthe wine we ordered.

The tiny pasta with lobster dish they served us next.

The waiter bringing us the grilled lobster.

The tray of fresh shellfish with lobster, octopus and a fresh caught fish that was fileted in front of us.

The meal also included grilled vegetables, bread and olive oil for dipping. For dessert, we had a cream cake and then they served us a glass of Limoncello. The owner was so excited about the money he would be getting from this order, he left the bottle on the table so that we could ‘enjoy it’. We were charged for that as well. I was not sure what my brother paid for the meal but with seven of us eating it must have been over a thousand American dollars. To those of you visiting Giardini Naxos on your next vacation, AVOID this place! The food might be good and the service nice, they see tourists coming and they should be serving Pidgeon instead (I swear for the most part I did not have much luck with the restaurants in Giardini Naxos).

I slept really soundly on my last night at the hotel and the next morning my brother picked me up at the villa that the wedding party would be staying at and I settled in for the afternoon. It was way up in the mountains and I was closing my eyes on the rides down the hill. I had not been on a trip like this since I visited Maui in the 1990’s and took the trip to Hana. I swore never again!

The villa the wedding party stayed at for three days. The views were amazing but the ride down the hill was not pleasant.

I slept like the dead that night as it was so quiet up in the hills. The next day the wedding party had things to do to prepare for the wedding so we got the day for ourselves. We swam, relaxed and I had to work on my group presentation from my Prague trip so there was plenty to do. I made my niece breakfast and then concentrated on my work. The views from the villa were really spectacular both in the day and at night.

The sunrise at the villa was worth getting up for every morning. This was from the deck of the villa.

The view of Giardini Naxos from my window during the day.

The view of Giardini Naxos Bay from my room at night.

The day before the wedding, my brother took us on a trip to the winery Patria for the afternoon for a tour of the property and for lunch. It was an interesting morning and afternoon. My niece directed us to a country road up in the mountains that lead us to a road that looked like it had never seen a car. I swear I thought we would go off the cliff. I swear when we got back to the main road and down the mountain that I would back to the Marriott for the rest of the trip. I told my brother to stop using the GPS as did the woman who ran the villa.

Once we were back on course, we headed to the winery which itself was hard to find. We got lost twice with the directions that the GPS gave us (I was ready to throw the thing out of the car) but we finally got there and we were the first visitors of the morning so we got a private tour of the winery.

The Patria Winery sign


My review on TripAdvisor:


The wine tour started in the wine store room with a quick lecture on the retail wines and what the winery produces. They had a nice selection of wines for sale and things were packaged nicely. Then we started the tour of the outside winery.

The winery’s retail room.

The winery sits on a ancient Roman site and there was an old theater on the property that has since been rebuilt. The theater is used for performances when in season and it over looks the vineyard giving it a picturesque look.

Our first part of the tour was the outside theater

The theater was built on a former Roman theater and overlooks the vineyard.

The view of the estate outside the winery.

We then traveled down into the caves and started our tour underground. We visited the spirits rooms, where the fermentation and riddling takes place and where the wines are stored. Our tour guide explained how the grapes were picked and processed, then pressed for wine making and the the process of fermentation.

Touring the cellar

We moved from room to room underground, exploring all the different aspects of the process of their wine making down to the bottling procedures. There were even reproductions of ancient stonework that was found on the property.

Once we finished the tour, we went up to the tasting room for a wine sampling. The most part had a nice body to them and a good flavor but did not total ‘wow’ me. The were good ‘picnic’ wines meaning that that they were the perfect wines for a light lunch. This is what we did when we sat down to enjoy a five course lunch. They were good with our lunch.

The fermentation process of the wines.

The barreling and fermentation process.

The Steel Barrel processing

I really enjoyed the lunch as it was simple and rustic. I thought it was very “American” but the lines between Italian cuisine and Italian American cuisine are now getting blurred. It was nice to sit back and relax and enjoy the beautiful weather and a nice meal and get to know my new sister in law and her sister and son.

Walking past one of the old lava tubes.

The grounds outside the winery.

Our set up on the lawn of the winery. The weather was perfect and the views amazing!

It was a simple meal of salads, sausages and vegetables and cannoli for dessert accompanied b wines from the winery. I had a wonderful time. The meal was very simple and delicious and the portion sizes perfect for an afternoon lunch. The weather was warm and sunny and we had a wonderful afternoon just talking.

The wine pairings

The delicious appetizers and bread that was served with out meal.

The cheeses and meats started the meal with a white wine.

The Pasta dish-Fusilli with Zucchini

The fresh sausage and roast rosemary potatoes entree

The fresh cannoli for dessert

After lunch we toured around the estate after the wine tasting.

Touring around the winery estate.

We took a quick tour around the winery after lunch and visited the wine store again for a quick tasting. It was a nice way to end the day.

On the trip back I noticed this unusual house that was abandoned right by the winery. I think I was having an “Under the Tuscan Sun” moment and wondered what it would be like to own it. It looked like the type of home that needed a lot of attention but was still beautiful. I could see myself living in Sicily.

My future villa

The wildflowers by the villa

The wildflowers by the villa.

Maybe it is a sign that I will be back in the future. What a beautiful shell of a home that could use some TLC. Who knows?

When we arrived back to the villa, the wedding party met at a Michelin star Italian restaurant for dinner. It was some of the worst food I have eaten in Italy. My brother picked a menu of raw fish which I am not a lover of and I got the worst case of food poisoning that carried all through the wedding and on the day left.

What ever you do don’t eat Shrimp Tartare abroad.

The morning of the wedding, we met at the villa to go over plans for the afternoon. We had a Cocktail party the afternoon of the wedding and the ceremony would be that evening. We got to spend time with our new family members.

My new sister in law’s family gave us a traditional Ukrainian ‘welcoming to the family ceremony’ and then we gave a simple American welcome to our family. Sorry I am not Sicilian and I do not know what that would have been. Still it was nice to welcome her and her sister and son to our family.

My brothers and I at the villa party

The views from the villa at the Rehearsal lunch.

Our new family-us with my new sister in law and her sister.

After the party was over, everyone went back to their hotels to change and then we met at the Four Seasons for the wedding. The ceremony took place at 6:00pm that evening. We had a wonderful time toasting the new couple. We gathered together to get ready in my brother’s room. We took some wonderful pictures before the ceremony.

My older brother and I with our younger brother in the middle.

The table setting at the Four Seasons

My place setting

The brides maids before the ceremony.

The happy couple on the lawn of the Four Seasons.

The happy couple cutting the cake at twilight.

The happy couple cutting the cake.

It was a nice evening. I did not eat much. The chef had to make me some chicken soup and I had a few bites of that, a small handful of French Fries off a kids plate and a small piece of wedding cake. That was it for me.

We had a wonderful evening of bands and singing. We danced until midnight when the party winded down. I had a flight the next morning so I had to get to bed early. I was still not one hundred perfect but I slept well.

The next morning the villa’s dog met me at the stairs and I got to play with him before the cab came to pick me up. I was lucky that when I got to the bus station in Catania to take the bus back to Palermo, there was a drug store there. The druggist who spoke perfect English took one look at me and when I said I was sick, she gave me some pills that knocked what ever I had out. By the time I got to the airport that afternoon for my flight home I felt much better.

The villa dog on my last morning in Sicily.

It was a great month in Europe and the first real trip I had since 2008. My classes took me to Paris and Prague and my brother’s wedding help me discover my roots in Sicily. It was a real eye opener of where I come from and how it shaped my life. I will be grateful that I got to spend this with my new family.

There will be more adventures when I get back to ‘My walk in Manhattan’!

Day Two Hundred and Seventy-Six My walk in Prague: Meeting with the head of Czech Tourism office, touring Vysehrad and Vinohrady and Cooking class May 31st, 2023

I really enjoyed this morning as we were allowed to sleep in a bit from class and did not have to meet up until 9:00am. Everyone in the class seemed to like that. We were able to grab a quick bite and then we had to meet with the head of the Czech Tourism Office, CEO Jan Herget. After the visit, we were going to have lunch at his restaurant/boat on the river and then an afternoon of paddle boarding. Not a bad way to spend some class time while learning what tourists might want to experience in Prague.

Our group shot with CEO of Czech Tourism Jan Herget (he is standing right of me. I am in the middle in the green polo).

We got to the office rather early and our host was a bit late (I kept thinking we were starting these mornings too early). Meeting the head of the whole country’s tourism board I was thinking I would be meeting this stiff guy in a blue suit but Mr. Herget could not have been more laid back. I think he rode his motorcycle over to the meeting.

We all thought he was a great. He had a PowerPoint presentation on his goals for the country and wanted to really build on the success that they were having. After visiting the outside cities, I thought the direction of the country should be more of getting people out of Prague for at least three days. I was so impressed with what I saw with the visits to the small cities that I thought more tourists would want to see that after maybe two to three days in Prague. I find that most people that travel abroad to a non-English speaking country are more adventurous in their travels and don’t want to be limited.

The riverfront in Prague is beautiful on a sunny warm day

After our conversation with the CEO, it was off to lunch at his restaurant, The Kayak Bar. This was an picturesque restaurant on the river not far from where I was touring on my afternoon off from visiting Old Town. It was a bright sunny day with blue skies and around 80 degrees. It was the perfect afternoon to be on a boat.

The Kayak Beach Bar at Naplavka 128 00 by the river


My review on TripAdvisor:


It was a nice walk from the office to the river and we got to see more of the city that I had seen the other afternoon. I was hoping Mr. Herget would be joining us but he had an afternoon of meetings so our group was off for lunch. I was starved because I did not have much of a breakfast.

The Kayak Beach Bar

The Kayak Beach Bar

The Hamburger and French Fries were excellent at the Kayak Beach Bar

After lunch was over, the group of us were hoping to go paddleboarding. All the restaurant had was kayaks and no one wanted to kayak in the the river. None of us wanted to fall in. So we left the restaurant in search of paddleboats which we found on a small island park down the river. That was a lot of fun. I had not been in a paddleboat since I was in Boston about ten years ago when I was in one of the swan paddleboats.

All of us getting in our paddleboats for an afternoon tour of the river and the city. I am in the green polo and paddled like crazy that afternoon.

While we were waiting for everyone to come back, we relaxed in the garden on the small island where the paddleboats were located.

Even a better group shot with the river and the city behind us

After our lunch and the tour of the river area, it was time to explore the Old City again and then the neighborhoods of Vysehrad and Vinohrady. These were neighborhoods outside the tourist zones of the Old City and had lots of nice shopping and dining options. From there, we would be on our way to our cooking class where we would be making a traditional Czech dinner and eating in as a group.

We passed through the older section of this part of the city, passing the old Opera House and then crossing the Charles Bridge again. On this spectacular sunny day the views were amazing.

Passing through the town square

We crossed over the Charles Bridge and took in the sites during the day. It really is a breathtaking bridge with the most wonderful statuary. We passed by the old Opera House with its elegant details. The bridge is a national treasure in beauty and design. What I liked about this walk was all the interesting architecture that you pass where one building is more glorious than the next. These things were built to last and to show the importance of that city in that era. They just don’t built them like this today.

The old Prague Opera House

The Charles Bridge


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The Charles Bridge

The Charles Bridge

The Charles Bridge statue of King Charles

Our Group shot on the Charles Bridge

Views of the river were just amazing!

We stopped at Winnie Lahudky & Potraviny Bakery at Masarykovo nábř 38/2058 for a quick snack before we continued the tour. As with everyone else, we needed a coffee and pastry break. I think we were turning into Europeans by this point. I think it is civil to have an afternoon break. The pastries were excellent (see TripAdvisor review).

The selection of pastries are excellent

The bakery had an excellent selection of delicious desserts. We tried not to ruin our appetites for dinner.

Winnie Lahudky & Potraviny Bakery


My review on TripAdvisor:


The river front park that lines the pathway

Old City Hall

Walking through Old Town again was a treat. I love the architecture of this area. We toured a lot of the areas that we had seen our first day of touring this section of the city when we visited NYU. We walked down Paris, the street that looked like the Right Bank, with all the luxury stores and passed the oldest Jewish Synagogue in the Czech Republic.

The Synagogue in Old Town

The town square

As we toured this part of the city, we learned the history and development of the area and the change from it being a residential area to a tourist destination. Janna was telling us how she grew up here and the rapid change from her childhood home to tourists dominating this part of the city. Just like in New York, the tourist based businesses crowd out what makes a neighborhood a neighborhood.

The Old Town district has become one big tourist destination with no local character anymore unless people want to deal with troughs of people walking through their neighborhood. Here we saw more modern sculpture.

The moveable sculpture of the “Franz Kafka Head”


Video displaying the head moving

It was off to the cooking class for the rest of the evening. We got off the cable car and walked around the Vinohrady district which is a non-touristy district that you could tell must have been a much more exclusive neighborhood at one time. The apartment buildings and stores looked like a Parisian neighborhood. We got there a little late so most the shops and small markets that Janna wanted to take us to were closed at that point. We got the cooking school in record time.

This was interesting as it brought back memories of cooking at the Culinary Institute of America and at Michigan State University in my Skills Classes. It was not too difficult and the menu was easy to prepare. My table partner, Brian and I worked together to prepare our dinner.

We made a Cream of Mushroom Soup, a Roast Pork with Garlic and Chive Dumplings and then made dessert. It was a lot of fun but watching my classmates hesitate at times or making me always go first got to me. I am never afraid of making a fool of myself is because this is how I always learned in cooking school. Trial and error. We all make mistakes. Still, we had a great time working together to get the job done.

My cooking partner, Brian and I making soup for the first course

Plating the finished Mushroom Soup with Heavy Cream

Clean up to prepare to make the entrée

Me preparing homemade dumplings

Getting a demo of what the chef wanted us to do

Our entrée was Roast Garlic Pork with Chive Dumplings

Our Group shot with our Chef

We all sat down for dinner together after each course was done. We had such a good time not just learning how to cook these dishes but learning some things about Czech cuisine. Their version of dumplings are so much different from other countries. I saw this when we had lunch in Karlovy Vary. I did not know that is what a dumpling was supposed to look like. We got a lot out of this cooking class that evening. After we cleaned up it was back to campus to get some sleep. We had another long day ahead of us.

The adventure was going to continue. We were going to Kutna Hora on our last day and then our Farewell dinner. It was a quick week.

Day Two Hundred and Seventy-Seven My walk in Prague: Visiting the City of Kutna Hora for the afternoon and our Farewell Dinner June 1st, 2023

After spending most of our time exploring the city of Prague and all her secrets, it was time to leave the city again and explore more of the outside cities that the country was trying to promote for tourism. These spa towns were rich in small museums, beautiful churches, excellent shopping districts and wonderful restaurants (where a lot of the staff spoke perfect English). The views were breathtaking and the historical sites amazing.

We were up again today at 8:00am (groan) and had to be at the train station early to catch our train to Kunta Hora, another small city outside of Prague. I did not have time to research the city so I was not sure what to expect. It was another interesting city with a lot to do.

Passing unusual artwork on the way to the train station

We had to make the train to Kutna Hora at a certain time early in the morning so that we could get there to start our tours of the churches and historical sites. There was no time for breakfast until we got to the station. When we arrived, we were given our instructions, ticket information and then were given about forty-five minutes to get something to eat and then board the train. I started to look around.

Our neighborhood had such interesting buildings

Before we broke for breakfast, I came across a Lego display of the train station and I thought this was very clever. Talk about details. Who ever put this together did a wonderful job because it really did look like the station and the traffic around it.

Lego set at the Train Station

Lego Display at the Train Station

The details on the display were very much real to the way the station appeared. It was something I am not too sure many people noticed as they dashed to their trains and destinations.

I did not want to get too far from where our meeting place was so I looked on the same floor. Most of the places just sold coffee and Danishes but I wanted more. I was starved and breakfast is an important meal to me. That’s when I found Paul, a French bakery similar to the ones I ate at in Paris. The concept was the same and they did have formula meals.

Paul at the Train Station

Breakfast at Paul at Plzenska 344/1 at the Train Station


My review on TripAdvisor:


The inside of Paul at the Train Station

The amazing breakfast that morning

The breakfast was excellent. I could not believe the quality of the food that was at a train station. I am used to the watered down version of bakery items that we see in the United States when I have eaten at Penn Station or Port Authority with the airy croissant or the tasteless muffins and dealing with it because those were the only options. The baked goods at Paul rivaled anything at the Paris bakeries.

The taste of the breakfast really surprised me as it tasted like the Boulangeries’ that we ate at the week before in Paris and I thought I would not see that again. The Quiche Lorraine was full of pieces of fresh ham along with the creamy eggs and the crust was so flaky and the apricot tart was one of the best pastries on the trip (see review on TripAdvisor). I later wrote on of the most glowing reviews on TripAdvisor and got the nicest response from the manager who was thrilled by the review. I guess you can make a small difference in the world.

The train was particularly packed that morning and we were all over the place regardless of the fact that we had reserved tickets. It would be the same way when we returned. The Czech’s keep it very organized in that when you buy a ticket on the train, you get to book your seat like you would on a plane. It made it so much easier for us.

After being packed in for over an hour, we got to Kutna Hora and took the bus to our first destination in a series of churches we would be visiting that day. Our first stop was the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption and St. John the Baptist in Sedlec. The original church had been built between 1290 and 1320 and then burned to the ground in 1421. It lay in ruins until the early 18th century when it was reconstructed in the High Baroque style by architect Jan Blazej Santini-Aichel (Sedlec pamphlet).

The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption in Kunta Hora

The Roman Catholic Cemetery Church of All Saints with Ossuary is together with the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption and St. John the Baptist, part of the former Cistercian abbey established in 1142 (Sedlec pamphlet).

From the early 1300’s to the late 1400’s almost 40,000 were buried in the cemetery due to famines and disease. When the cemetery was being reduced in the early 1500’s, the bones were deposited to the bottom of the chapel. In the beginning of the 1700’s when Santini-Aichel was making renovations on the church, he created bone decorations and other decorations for the church (Sedlec pamphlet).

The statuary outside the church

When the church was purchased by the Schwarzenberg’s in 1870, they renovated the bone decorations and hired carver Frantisek Rint to complement the décor. He cleaned the decorations and added new ones to the church including the chandelier and the Schwartzberg’s Coat of Arms (Sedlec pamphlet). Since we could not take pictures inside, I took this picture of the bone decorations from their website (Church website).

The bone decorations of the Roman Catholic Cemetery Church of All Saints with Ossuary

The inside of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption was very impressive with its statuary and paintings. We were able to take our time and really explore the church with our tour guide. It did not look like many services were still held in the church and it was more for touring.

The inside of the Church complex where the congregation seems to meet only in the front part of the church.

The tours of the main chapel

While the front part of the church looks like it is still used for services, the back part of the museum looks like it is being used as a museum for pieces of the inside of the church on display. A museum within a church. Exquisite pieces are on display that stand on their own.

One of the church’s altars

The other altar

The wooden carved confession booth

Church statuary

The magnificence ceiling

When we climbed the stairs to the second floor of the church and walked through the upper part of the floor, the church was sponsoring an art exhibition of a contemporary artist. I thought the was an interesting use of the ceiling area of the church. Still being used for services, the church is being repurposed for other events as well.

After visiting both churches and the bone decorations creating quite a discussion amongst our group, we went to visit the third church on our list , the other UNESCO site, St. Barbara’s Cathedral. I have never seen a more beautiful church and I have been to ones all over the world.

St. Barbara’s Cathedral as we approached the church

St. Barbara’s Cathedral from the front

Walking on the side of St. Barbara’s Cathedral

A unique work of peak and late Gothic architecture. It’s construction was started in 1388 by Petr Parler and his workgroup. Construction was interrupted several times and the monumental cathedral was finally completed after more than 500 years of building (Kunta Hora Tourist Information Center).

St. Barbara’s School across the street from the church

The Shrine of St. Barbara’s Cathedral

The church altar

The holy water at the church

The inside of St. Barbara’s pews

In 1905, in some chapels late gothic murals with mining themes are preserved, the most prized can be found in Smisek Chapel (Kutna Hora Tourist Information Center).

The stained glass windows

The beautiful stained glass windows

Paintings on the walls

The detailed paintings of St. Barbara’s Cathedral

Just walking around the church for the afternoon was a treat. I have never seen such beautiful detail on a church before with all the colorful stained glass windows and elegant paintings on the walls. The churches in this town had so many interesting aspects of carvings and painting to them. This is what the silver mining money of this town bought.

The outside of the church was just as beautiful with all the plantings and gardens. The pathways around the church were so nicely landscaped and there was even a small vineyard on the pathway out of the church.

The views from the church is breathtaking

The vineyard by the side of St. Barbara’s

The saints line the walkway by the vineyard

The views from the church’s walkway

The views looking into downtown Kutna Hora were just amazing. The church was the showpiece of the town and it looked like a postcard.

Me at St. Barbara’s second floor of the church. I wanted to remember this beautiful church.

After we left St. Barbara’s, we had the afternoon to ourselves for lunch and touring. This was my escape time and I wanted to explore the town on my own. There were a couple of suggestions of places to eat as we were walking into town but I wanted to explore Downtown Kunta Hora first and see what it had to offer. It is such a great downtown with lovely shops and some great restaurants.

The Kutna Hora Town Square

While some of my classmates toured the city together, I walked to the middle of the downtown where we were meeting to catch the bus home and walked all the side streets of the town. It was such a cute little town. It reminded me of the towns in the Hudson River Valley with their unique architecture and wonderful restaurants. I just wanted to find something different.

The quaint downtown of Kutna Hora

These planters were blooming all over the square

As I explored the side streets and looked at the menus, I did not want to eat pizzas and hamburgers. I wanted a nice meal but something light because we were having our going away dinner this evening in Prague and I did not need a big meal inside me.

I had passed this open doorway on the side street and peeked inside to find an restaurant that had both an inside dining room and an outdoor café. The weather was so beautiful the entire time we were in the Czech Republic, warm and sunny and in the high 70’s it would be fun to eat outside. Plus they had an interesting lunch menu that was reasonable. This is when I found Restaurant Ctyri Sestry at Havlickova Namesti 512.

Restaurace Ctyri Sestry at Havlickova Namesti 512


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The outdoor seating in the walled garden

What a beautiful restaurant with excellent food and service with views of the gardens and the valley as well. I even had a little cat join me for lunch (I think he was a feral cat as he walked away while I was eating my main course). I was seated in the corner table in the garden area and talk about views. I had the most wonderful of the walled garden that surrounded me and of the valley below with its slopes and small villages.

The outdoor dining

The walled gardens

The walled garden

The beauty of the walled garden where I was sitting


The menu of daily specials in which everything looked good.

The menu specials were very creative and were not the ordinary schnitzels and potato dishes I had seen in other restaurants. It was almost a fusion of Italian and French with a little Czech thrown in. I wanted something on the lighter side but still filling because it was still going to be several hours before we had dinner. So I chose the Cream of Broccoli Soup and the Pork Patties with fresh noodles. Everything was not only excellent but so well presented.

My first course was the Cream of Broccoli Soup

The Cream of Broccoli Soup

The Pork Patties with Fresh Noodles in a Soy Sauce

I had this cat sitting right by me in the garden and I was not sure if it was the owner’s cat or just a feral cat hanging around. I was friendly to it but did not encourage it with food. You can never be sure with a cat. The cat looked more like a kitten was looking at me as I was looking at him.

My lunch companion who never left the dining area

When I was done with my lunch, my little dining companion climbed the wall and walked away through the roof and the gardens. He then just disappeared.

After the wonderful lunch was over, I went back down to the downtown area and visited the pastry shop that was around the corner from the restaurant. I had passed it earlier when I was looking for a restaurant to eat at and I wanted to stop back. The pastries in their cases looked delicious. This is where I found the delicious pastries of Cukrarna U Kraba bakery.

The pastry shop Cukrarna U Kraba at Tylova 505


My review on TripAdvisor:


Peeking in the window is what attracted me to the bakery

The amazing pastry case

Picking out the pastries I wanted to try

I was not sure what I wanted to try as everything looked so good but I decided on the one on the top right that was a Vanilla Cream filled Glazed Doughnut and the Red Velvet doughnut with a heavy glaze on the bottom right.

More selection to choose from

Indulging in the delicious pastries of the bakery. A Chocolate covered Red Velvet Cake and a Vanilla Cream filled French Cruller. Yum!

Other wonderful items line the shelves

After a wonderful meal and a phenomenal dessert, it was time to visit the merchants that I saw as I was walking around looking for places to eat. there are some wonderful shops in the town with a lot of handmade merchandise.

Visiting the shops

The beautiful handmade porcelains (was cash only)

An excellent gift shop (with hand made cards)

There was even a Justy’s Café Restaurant which I thought was a good sign

It was back to the town square after the relaxing afternoon of lunch and shopping in the town. The town square was just so beautiful to sit in and relax. It was so nice to just sit back and relax and enjoy the beautiful day.

The elegant statue in Town Square

Relaxing under the trees before the trip home

Admiring the town architecture

Admiring the town architecture

Even the stone walls are attractive here

We took the bus back to the train and the train back to Prague and then we walked back to campus when we returned to Prague. The professor gave us two hours to just relax before we left for our farewell dinner which we would be having at a wonderful restaurant in the Old Town section of the city, Manes Restaurant.

Manes Café


My review on TripAdvisor:


We had a Prix Fixe menu and I had settled on the Goat Cheese appetizer and for dinner I had the Asparagus Risotto. For dessert, we had a refreshing Lemon Sorbet. Everything was so elegantly served and the service at the restaurant was flawless. Everyone was so nice to us and we had the back room all to ourselves. Jana joined us on our last night in the city so it made it special for our class as she became part of our group. The menus were very reasonable.

The Appetizer Menu

Tomato and Mozzarella Salad

The Entrée Menu

Asparagus Risotto

The Dessert Menu

Lemon Sorbet with Fresh Fruit

Our Farewell group shot on our last day of class in Prague. I left the next morning for Palermo in Italy for my brother’s wedding.

Our group shot at our farewell dinner our last night in our Prague class

After the wonderful dinner as over, we took one last trip over the Charles Bridge to see the views of the skyline of Prague and one more tour of the Old Town section of the city. Talk about an excellent view of the city at night.

The Charles Bridge at night with the City of Prague behind it.

Charles Bridge at night


My review on TripAdvisor:


The statue of King Charles at night

Our Charles Bridge Group shot before it got dark

After our walk on the bridge, we got the other side and everyone went their own ways. I had to head back to the campus to pack and get ready for a long airplane ride to Palermo (with three stopovers and a ten hour layover. Groan!) We all said our goodbyes and went one our ways. What a wonderful night and what a great class. I learned so much from the experience and from the City of Prague. There is so much potential here and I can see a big influx of American tourism in the future.

I could not put a price tag on what I experienced between my Paris and Prague classes. It was a valuable experience that I will remember for the rest of the rest of my life. Now I just have to finish the homework for the class in Italy (I got an “A” in both classes).

Off to Palermo!

Day Two Hundred and Seventy My walk in Paris: Exploring the City of Reims, France May 25th, 2023

What was nice about Paris was getting out of it for the day. The day after my presentation was over and I breathed a sigh of relief when my assignment was done was a trip out to Champagne country when my professor arranged a trip to the City of Reims to tour the Mumms winery. I could not wait for that. I wanted to get out of the hussle and bussle of Paris and it would be interesting to see how Champagne was made.

The weather cooperated the entire time we were in Paris (as it would in Prague too) and it was a bright, sunny and warm morning when we took the Metro to the Paris Train Station out to suburbs of Paris. The rail station Gare de l’Est is one of the oldest train stations in Paris and one of its busiest.

The Paris Rail Station, Gare de l’Est, that would take us to Reim, France for the Champagne tour.

The beautiful detail work at the Gare de l’Est built in 1849


Getting into Reims was not difficult as the professor had bought the tickets for us and we got to the station early so that we could tour the city and have lunch there after the tour of the winery was over. I would find that public transportation all over Europe was so much better than it was in the United States where we are so dependent on cars.

It was in the train station that I experienced my first (and only) French McDonalds and that was an experience ordering. First you had to use the touch machine which I hate.

The McDonald’s at the Gare de L’Est


My review on TripAdvisor:


No one spoke any English so I was not sure when the order was done and you only had options with coffee and nothing else. The food was a little different. They did not toast the Bacon, Egg and Cheese on the English Muffin, which made it dry and the bacon in France is different from American bacon. Also, it came with two pancakes that were wrapped in paper and came with a stick of American syrup. You ordered it by the ‘formula’ which meant you got a package of four items, the sandwich, pancakes, juice and coffee for one price. It was a cheaper way of doing it and you got a nice breakfast. We ate on the run because the train came quickly.

The ride out to the winery was really nice and it was fun to see the countryside roll by. Now I know why going to Reims is so popular for the weekend crowd. It is the perfect place to get out of Paris for a nice weekend away. It really did not take that long to get to Reims. When we arrived, it was a short trip to the downtown to start the first parts of the tour of the city.

The city is so compact that it is easy to walk from the train station to the downtown. We walked to the city square and our first stop was the Reims Tourism Office. The ladies had not prepared for a visit but did a very nice job promoting Reims and telling us about the city. I could hear the pride on their voices as they explained the sites to see in the city all within walking distance. The office was also very nice too stocked with all the latest information and all sorts of maps to get around the city.

Our first stop on the walking tour was the Cathedral Notre-Dame de Reims, a church that has been part of the community since the 1200’s. This beautiful church has had the community built around it and sits in a proud spot in the downtown.

Cathedral de Notre Dame de Reims at Place du Cardinal Luçon



The construction of the church predates the 1200’s but you could see that it has been added to and altered over the years but it never affected it beauty. I was in awe of the church, almost wondering why this beautiful building was in the middle of a modern neighborhood. It took a couple of minutes to realize how the town grew around it.

Cathedral Notre Dame de Reims sits proudly in the middle of the modern downtown

The inside of the church is breathtaking with its stained glass windows, gothic architecture and extensive statuary. I am in awe of the people who must have worshipped here over the last several centuries. It must have had a different meaning to all of them.

The beautiful stained glass windows of the Cathedral Notre Dame de Reims

The beautiful detail work of the stained glass windows

The inside of the church is just as impressive as the outside of the church. You can see the importance of detail that this architects and builders used to impress both the clergy and the people. Religion played such a different role in people’s lives back then and these buildings were meant to make a statement about God.

The inside of the Cathedral Notre Dame de Reims

Our group shot at the church

After the church tour, it was time to visit the hotel for a site inspection at the La Caserne Chanzy Hotel & Spa at 18 Rue Tronsson Ducoudray. The hotel had been the original fire station for the town and its reflected that theme. The hotel was very popular with the weekend crowd and had quite the hipster reputation with innovative restaurants and bars. The Sales Manager it is a very popular hotel with Americans visiting the area since it is part of the Autograph Collection by Marriott.

La Caserne Chanzy Hotel & Spa at 18 Rue Tronsson Ducoudray


My review on the Tour on TripAdvisor:


After our site inspection of the hotel, we walked through town on our way to lunch. The ladies running the tour today had the theme of “Sustainable Culinary Tourism” and “Farm to Table” restaurants. They picked a wonderful restaurant for lunch, Les Cocottes du cul de poule.

Les Cocottes du Le Poule at 70 Rue du Cernay in Reims


My review on TripAdvisor:


Les Cocottes du cul de poule is a tiny bistro on a side street that you would miss if you were on a tour. It is located on a quiet street in Reims not far from the winery but to foodies I would later find out online is an extremely well known restaurant.

The signage and menus at Cul de Poule (which loosely translates to “From the mixing bowl to the dish)

The food and the service was very good. All of the staff including the chef whom we would meet later on that afternoon, mostly spoke French so the one waitress who spoke fluent English got to work with us and she was wonderful. She had such a nice personality and put a group of non-French speakers at ease ( at this point of the trip I was surprised that many of my classmates were not even attempting to know a little French).

The wonderful baked breads from Garance for Cul de Poule

The meal was excellent and so nicely displayed. We had a choice on the Prix Fixe menu and because we had to pay cash for our meal, I chose the Entree and Dessert menu at $23.00 Euros which was more than enough considering the amount of bread that we were eating at the table. I had the Poached Chicken with Spring Vegetables in a light sauce and then for dessert the Raspberry Tart. The food and the service were flawless and so relaxing. It was so nice to just sit back and enjoy a meal without rushing around.

The Poached Chicken with Spring Vegetables

Poached Chicken is not everyone’s favorite as I could see some my classmates did not like it. It had a very light flavor to it and the vegetables tasted like they had just been picked. For dessert, I had the Raspberry Tart special and talk about delicious. The tart was a sweet cookie base with a raspberry puree for the middle and topped with fresh raspberries and a scoop of homemade raspberry gelato. I thought the dessert was the perfect way to end the meal. It was very light and intense flavors from the gelato. The meal and the service that afternoon were wonderful.

The Raspberry Tart for dessert

After the meal service was over, I saw a man who I assumed was the chef come visit people at the table. Service at these restaurants ends at 2:00pm and does not reopen until 6:00pm so they have time in the afternoon to talk. He was having a glass of wine with his friends and relaxing when we asked to take a picture with him. He was amused but pleased that we enjoyed the meal so much. What a delightful afternoon.

Our group shot with the Chef

After lunch, we visited the Maison Mumms Champagne Winery tour. I was not sure what to expect from the tour but after an hourI found that it was a detailed and very intense tour of the winery down to each detail of how the grapes are grown and harvested to how it is packaged, sold and then marketed. The tour left no detail out of the business.

Maison Mumm at 34 Rue de Champ de Mars


My review on TripAdvisor:


Our tour of the winery was done by our tour guide, Katie, who was excellent on explaining the process of how the wine was produced. She went through all the steps on how it is grown, the terrain of the grapes, the picking and pressing and then storage of the grape juice. Then we saw the fermenting rooms, where the bottles are riddled and stored.

Katie starting the tour with us on the terrain where the grapes are grown.

Then they went over the packaging, labeling and marketing of the champagne. It was an hour long tour that you will not be bored on. You can see the care in producing this champagne and making sure that the quality is perfect.

Katie explaining bottling procedures to us in the Bottling Room

Katie in the old Barrel Room when the wine was still being held in barrels

The oak barreling system has not been used for almost 100 years

Us touring the Barrel Room

Then we toured the cement barrel room before they went to steel barrels.

This barreling process was used until the stainless steel barrels came into use.

A tour through the Bottling Room

The God of Wine in the Bottling Room

A tour through the Bottling Room Museum

The history of the company was described in the Mumm Museum, which is the last part of the tour.

The Museum’s Rare Wine Bottles

Some of these bottles in the museum collection were over a hundred years old.

The Wine Bottling in space

Katie told us they were working on a new bottling concept that could be used at the Space Station and for future space travel.

The Showroom

The tour was really informative and was a real treat for those of us who studied the wine industry. We really had an excellent tour of the winery. We just relaxed outside in the sunshine after the tour was over and talked.

After the tour was over, we tried to see this famous little church but none of us had any interesting in paying to get in or seeing it after the tour of the Cathedral Notre Dame or after the extensive wine tour so we skipped it.

The Foujita Chapel at 33 Rue du Champ de Mars in Reims that no one wanted to tour


Reviews on TripAdvisor:


As we walked back to the train station, we had enough time to for a snack so we stopped at this cafe, Le Marche for Meat & Cheese trays and light soft drinks. It was the perfect way to end the trip to Reims.

Le Marché at 23B Rue de Mars in Reims


My review on TripAdvisor:


We just sat back eating meats, cheeses and pates and reflected on the trip out to the wine country. I can see the reason why people from Paris come out here for relaxation. We got on the next train to Paris and then we all relaxed when we got back. We had another day of traveling around the right bank the next morning.

It was another great day in France.

Day Two Hundred and Forty-Eight Got accepted to NYU (New York University) for Graduate School! September 2022

My last night of freedom. Maricel took me to the Sheraton Canal Street as a present

I found out the night of the “Rocking it in Rutherford-Be a Tourist in your own Town” event back in April that I had gotten accepted to New York University for my Masters Degree. I had applied months earlier for the college after the initial get together in October of 2019 (pre-Pandemic). I never thought I would get in but there was the email the night of the presentation as almost a gift from God that I had done good work with the students.

My ID card picture

It has been exciting journey so far and this leads to the next stage of my life. For the next two years I will be playing “college student” for the fifth time (Michigan State University, Fashion Institute of Technology, Culinary Institute of America and Cornell University proceeded it).

I will be graduating in the Spring of 2024 with my Masters in Science in Global Hospitality Management and from there, who knows? I like the idea that there is a new future with a new job and new adventures coming soon. It will be a long ride with a lot of hard work but I look forward to my future.

The blogs may come slower than before but I will be doing a lot more exploring of the City in between classes.

Wish me luck!

Maricel and I the weekend before I started Graduate School

Graduated May 17th, 2024: My blog on Graduation!