Day Two Hundred and Sixty-Five Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. presents: “Feasting at Bergen Community College-Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner” April 26th, 2023

In my live classes, I open my consulting company, “Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.”, for business and the whole class bands together and we have one big project. In the era of post-COVID and online learning, I was lucky that I was able to teach one of the live classes on the Bergen Community College, Paramus Campus. It was such a pleasure welcoming students back to campus with live lectures and conversing with them.

The Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. corporate logo of the six trees

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In the past, I have created these projects under the Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. banner, the main consulting company, the Orion Malls banner, a Mall design company and the banner, my Tech Division. Each business does its best to be creative, forward thinking and have a thought producing presentations. I also challenge the students to top on another in their presentations and build on what they have seen others do in the past.

Professor Justin Watrel, CEO & Co-Founder of Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.

This semester I wanted to do something different and I decided to partner with our new foodservice vendor for the college, American Dining Creations and figure out a way to promote the business to the students and faculty. I know that the pizzeria has been very successful as well as the Starbucks on the first floor but the cafeteria has been struggling even with the change of the menu.

American Dining Creations:

So the proposal that I had for the students was how can we market, advertise and promote our food service facilities. How can we engage with the students and faculty to get them to eat here? How could we promote the Loyalty program to get more people eating in all outlets?

I also wanted the students to create new brand logos to have a theme more related to the campus. I wanted to see their creativity with creating commercials to promote the outlets. I know I expect a lot in a short period of time but every semester, I know the students are up for the challenge.

As usual I break the students up in Teams lead by a Vice-Presidents and Team Leaders. I found last semester with the ‘Caribe Cafe’ concept that I still need someone to coordinate the whole thing, so I choose my President and Senior Vice-President of Operations from the pool of student resumes that I get every semester. Some are good, some are not good and some are indifferent but I have knack for raw talent. I do every semester.

I chose my president and SVP of Operations from the pool of students and they did not disappoint me. They held their meetings, organized their meetings with their Vice-Presidents and Team Leaders, organized their Wrap Up Party and had to find their office space. It is quite the challenge.

Every semester I have those students that just do not get the project and can’t seem to handle the work. They challenge the work and just don’t want to do it. This is a reflective of how they will behave in the work force when they graduate. These are the ones who when they fill out faculty evaluations can’t gasp that I preparing them for a life after graduation. This reflects in their presentation.

It was a challenge as it is every semester. I have my internal challenges with the students. I have to keep everyone motivated. This is why I have an Executive Team to run things. I let the students work this out amongst themselves.

Like all my projects, I really got to see the student Team’s creativity. I asked the students to come up with a game plan to bring more students and faculty to dine at the cafeteria. The would create new logos for the outlets, new menus and food ideas and a series of commercials to promote the two outlets. I also asked them to think of design ideas for the cafeteria. There were a lot of creative ideas that came from rebranding the two outlets.

Where there were a lot of creative and unique ideas was in the menus and the diversity of food that the students had for the main cafeteria.Some Teams developed dishes with an Asian fusion influence. Some came up with Tapas and many Spanish influenced ideas. Turkish food and a Middle Eastern influence has become popular and I saw many different ideas for this as well. Some kept it classic and wanted to see more sandwiches and maybe an ice cream bar.

All the ideas kept the concept fresh and it was not always the traditional burgers, chicken sandwich and fingers and subs that the cafeteria in the past was featuring. This is good as a sample but students tastes are changing. Also with such a diverse student body and people being more adventurous eaters, I think their ideas were brilliant.

The night of the presentation went off very well. Like all my other presentations, I wish the attendance had been a bit better. We had a nice nice amount of family and friends of the students but no one from Administration came which bummed me out. I thought this was a major way to contribute to a new vendor with input from the students.

My Executive Team just like the morning class really impressed me. Some students who I was not sure how they would present really impressed me with their ideas, their creativity and especially the way they were dressed. The students came ‘Dressed for Success’ in suits, blazers, dresses, skirts and matching pant suits. I have a lot of convincing of the students that this will be the wave of the future when people start heading back to the offices in droves. People will want to see well dressed workers in the office.

Some of the things that impressed me the most was the use each Team had in creating a mobile App for the cafeteria. I thought this was a good idea and could control orders, pick up and food waste. The commercials were especially impressive with a lot ways to get students in the door. What I also liked was some Teams thought out of the box and came up with creative solutions on how to redesign the cafeteria dining room to make it more user friendly. I liked the idea of couches, new seating and things like ping pong games and video games for the students in between classes.

By the end of the evening, Jack seemed very impressed by the whole presentation and asked some interesting questions. He told me later on he could not believe all of this came from students. I told him from the beginning that this is his target market and you have to ask them what they want from the food service on campus. Even some of the parents walked up to me and could not believe this was a student presentation. They were impressed by the professionalism of it all. I told them that this is where their tuition dollars were going.

We concluded with a small reception of my homemade cookies and brownies where once again nothing was left. It was another success promotion by the executives of Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.

The project “Feasting at Bergen Community College: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner”:

The Logos for the Presentation:

Team One:

Team Two:

Team Three:

Barbecue Project:

The Corporate Website for the project:

The Powerpoint for the project:

The Full YouTube Presentation for the project:

The Executive Team for “Feasting a Bergen Community College: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner”:

Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. President Angelo and Senior Vice-President of Operations Olga Medina and their Executive Team of Vice-Presidents, Team Leaders and Team Members on Presentation Night.

The Team Presentations:

Team One Presentation:

Team Two Presentation:

Team Three Presentation:

The week after the presentations, I gave the students Quiz Four. Just like last semester, I decided to make ti a group project and had the students create a Summer Barbecue concept. Read an imaginary letter from one of my partners about organizing a Corporate Barbecue dinner and the students had to create an invitation, a menu and then a video welcome. Everyone in the class got an “A” and here is some of their ideas:

Spring Quiz Four (The Shared Project with my morning class):

The Summer Barbecue Project presentations:

The group presentations were fun.

I find this a lot more fun than a standard quiz and the students get a kick out of the Team building. That and everyone got an “A” on Quiz Four.

I wanted to thank Jack Yukel from American Dining Creations for being so helpful to me and to the class and so supportive of this project. It was his input that made this Team project so successful. Second I wanted to thank all the students in my Introduction to Business class who made this project come to life. It is your creativity each semester that make this projects the success that they are for the class.

Thank you from Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.!

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