Tag Archives: Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.-It's Cultural on Campus'

Day Two Hundred and Sixty-Six Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. presents: “It’s Cultural on Campus” promoting the Bergen Room, Gallery Bergen and The Ciccone Theater for tourism in Bergen County, New Jersey April, 26th, 2023

In my live classes, I open my consulting company, “Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.”, for business and the whole class bands together and we have one big project. In the era of post-COVID and online learning, I was lucky that I was able to teach one of the live classes on the Bergen Community College, Paramus Campus. It was such a pleasure welcoming students back to campus with live lectures and conversing with them.

The Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. corporate logo of the six trees

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In the past, I have created these projects under the Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. banner, the main consulting company, the Orion Malls banner, a Mall design company and the Buscomonzefi.com banner, my Tech Division. Each business does its best to be creative, forward thinking and have a thought producing presentations. I also challenge the students to top on another in their presentations and build on what they have seen others do in the past.

Professor Justin Watrel, CEO & Co-Founder of Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.

This time around I got a request from a fellow professor who wanted to promote Gallery Bergen, our on-campus art gallery, for outside tourism. I liked the challenge of that because I have used Gallery Bergen in the past for cocktail parties and gatherings in my other projects such as Welcome Week, Homecoming and visiting the campus. I had always opened my events or included Gallery Bergen in some way in the past projects.

Now Professor Tim Blunk, the art professor who runs the gallery, gave us the challenge of how-to bring people from the Bergen County community into the gallery for the then current Faith Ringgold exhibition “From Jones Road”. Since I had so many students in the class, I thought about a competition between three groups as I had for the “Caribe Cafe” project in which each group would a presentation on the same subject, but I thought we really needed to promote other parts of campus as well.

The interview with Professor Tim Blunk on Gallery Bergen. The inspiration for this project.

So I added The Bergen Room, our Culinary Department’s student dining room and the Ciccone Theater and the Theater Department. I asked all the professors who are involved in these different departments, and they were all enthusiastic about the project. They have been helpful in many of my projects over the last decade.

This time around I had an Executive Team to run the whole show. In the ‘Caribe Cafe’ concept, I had Team Leaders run each Team but with no one in charge of the whole project. I needed an Executive Team to run the presentation, put the website together, put the Team Wrap Up party at the end of the project together and create the budget.

I was very lucky in that one of my students had been the Team Leader for Marketing for our “Springfest” project was in my Marketing class and I knew who was going to get the top spot (and as the CEO/Co-Founder of Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc I know who’s talented). I picked another student whose “Be a tourist in your own Town” paper on Dumont was excellent to be the Senior Vice-President of Operations. Both ladies work was wonderful and could not have been more professional. They both did an excellent job on putting the whole project together and running the presentation.

The President and Senior Vice-President of Operations ran the presentation, engaged with the Executive Team their ideas for the Office Space for the Team and their ideas for the Wrap-Up Party. Their ideas were well received by the Team.

Then each Team presented their section of the project which consisted of ideas to promote their site, presentation of their commercial and their interview with the professor who ran that division of campus. Each Team member discussed their section of the project and the ideas they had to bring in more of the Bergen County community to the college.

The Proposal for the project “It’s Cultural on Campus”:

The Logo for “It’s Cultural on Campus”:

The PowerPoint Presentation:


The Website:


The YouTube Presentation:

The Executive Team for “It’s Cultural on Campus”:

CEO Professor Justin Watrel with President Valery Cardona and SVP of Operations Rachel Montpellier and their Team of Vice-Presidents and Team Leaders and Members.

The day of the presentation since it had to be done during the day all four of the professors who assisted in the project were in classes but one parent did show up and she was the one who took our picture. That made me happy.

The presentation was wonderful as each group presented their ideas to better advertise and promote each facility to the Bergen County and beyond target market of customers. The student dining room was presenting lunch each Thursday afternoon at 11:00am, the Faith Ringgold exhibition was in full swing at Gallery Bergen and the Theater Department was promoting their showcase so there was a lot going on at the Bergen Community College campus. The students presented the way to get people there.

We had a small Q & A because there were just two of us there. This was followed by a light reception for the students before they had to head to their next classes and work. I could not have been more proud of a group of students accomplishing this project.

Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. headquarters thanks you too!


The Gallery Bergen Team:

An Excellent job promoting the “Faith Ringgold” exhibition (in Spanish)

The Bergen Room Team:

The Ciccone Theater Team:

We got to see part of the latest production from the theater and interview with the director

You can see the interviews with the Professors for each department on the full presentation.

I wanted to thank Professors Tim Blunk of Gallery Bergen, Professor Jim Bumgardner of the Theater Department & Ciccone Theater and Professor Rhonda Drakeford and Chef/Professor Aaron Morrisey for their assistance in making this project the success it was for the students. A special thank you to my boss, Dr. Pierre Laguerre for his constant support on making these projects possible.

A big congratulations to the Marketing Team. You are the ones that brought the project to life!