Tag Archives: Scoops & Sundaes Ice Cream Store

Day One Hundred and Ninety-Five: Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. presents: The Creation of the Case Study for the shop “Scoops & Sundaes” May 14th, 2021

The Creation of the Case Study “Scoops & Sundaes”:

Every semester when I am teaching “Introduction to Business 101” at Bergen Community College, I have my class create a major class project in which the whole class becomes part of an Executive team of a mythical company. This way the class benefits from getting to know one another and starting to form their connections with each other both professionally and as a student body.

In the past we created Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc., my main company that I have used for the last three semesters, Orion Malls Inc., a Mall design firm and Buscomonzefi.com, my Tech company. Each was an example of how a business team needs to interact with one another and create their part of the business. It has been tough since we took our live classes to online classes so I refigured the project to an individual basis and asked each student to create one project from their standpoint.

The Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. corporate logo

Professor Justin Watrel, CEO Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.

I had the class work on their project “Scoops & Sundaes”, an artisan ice cream shop. While my other class worked on their business project “Mother Goose’s Toy Chest” (See Day One Hundred and Ninety Six), the members of this class created an interesting shop many carrying homemade ice cream, baked items and gift products.

Day One Hundred and Ninety Six-“Mother Goose’s Toy Chest”


Using the textbook “Understanding Business” by William Nickels and James and Susan McHugh as our guide, we covered chapter by chapter on how to build a small business. Each student was asked to create their own store concept by reading Chapter Five “How to Form a Business” and Chapter Six “Entrepreneurship and Starting a Small Business”. We started the project when I assigned the concept and the first extra credit project by creating the logo for the store.

Here is some of the creativity of the logo’s for the store:

Logo One: “Scoops & Sundaes”

Logo Two: “Scoops & Sundaes”

Logo Three: “Scoops & Sundaes”

Logo Four: “Scoops & Sundaes”

Logo Five: “Scoops & Sundaes”

When we studied Chapter Seven “Management & Leadership” I had them create their Mission Statement to tell me who they were as a store owner and as a company. We then studied Chapter Eight “Structuring Organizations for Today’s Challenges” and Chapter Nine “Production and Operations Management”, I had them design their store layout and how they would show how it would work.

Store Design: “Scoops & Sundaes”

I gave a long lecture on Chapter Ten “Motivating Employees” and Chapter Eleven “Human Resources” to help the students understand that they can’t do it all themselves. There will be a point in the business where they will need to hire a few part timers for the Summer and Christmas holidays months when things get busy. Who are they looking for? What characteristics do they want in an employee? This lead to me asking them to create an ad for a Job Description. Looking for the perfect employee can be tough.

In Chapter Fourteen “Developing and Pricing Goods and Services”, I had the students think about promotions and how to sell multiples to help increase the bottom line and then in Chapter Sixteen “Using Effective Promotions”, when we studied ‘word of mouth’ and ‘sampling’ I had the students work on a Bundling Ad top promote their goods for sale as a promotion. This helped them understand how to increase sales in a tough COVID economy. I also had create a menu for their store as well. How will you stock your store and with what items?

Some of the menus they created were very clever:

The prototype for Menu One: “Scoops & Sundaes”

Menu Two: “Scoops & Sundaes”

Menu Three: “Scoops & Sundaes”

Some of the promotions for the “Bundling of Products” were highly effective. I had to explain to the students that Bundling is taking different products and promoting them a certain price point to make them seem more cost effective to buy in a grouping as McDonald’s does with their “Extra Value Meals”. Try to imagine if you had to buy the products on an individual basis.

Their ideas were very clever.

Bundling Ad for “Scoops & Sundaes”

The students earned extra credit for creating their Logos , The Mission Statement, their Menu, the Store Design, A Job Description and a Bundling Ad. Some students took full advantage of the project and the extra credit and it resulted in good grades.

To finish the project, I assigned their final two papers to discuss how they developed the project and then what they learned from it. For the most part the class understood and had a good time building their business.

Who knows, we may see a “Scoops & Sundaes” chain in the future.

Here is the supporting work for the project:

The Class Participation Questions to help build the project “Scoops & Sundaes”:

The Quizzes that also built onto the Project:

The Papers that showed their final results of the Project: