Tag Archives: Exploring Paramus NJ

Easton Tower Red Mill Road Route 4 & Saddle River Road Paramus, NJ 07652

The Easton Tower in the Spring of 2024.

The inside of the tower

Day Three Hundred and Three Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. presents “Dining at the Bergen Room-The Ultimate Dining Experience”-Bergen Community College Campus April 24th, 2024

The Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. Executive Team picture in the Bergen Room on the Bergen Community College campus for the project “Dining at the Bergen Room: the Ultimate Dining Experience” on April 24th, 2024.

In my live classes, I open my consulting company, “Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.”, for business and the whole class bands together and we have one big project. In the era of post-COVID and online learning, I was lucky that I was able to teach one of the live classes on the Bergen Community College, Paramus Campus. It was such a pleasure welcoming students back to campus with live lectures and conversing with them.

The Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. corporate logo of the six trees

Contact Us

In the past, I have created these projects under the Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. banner, the main consulting company, the Orion Malls banner, a Mall design company and the Buscomonzefi.com banner, my Tech Division. Each business does its best to be creative, forward thinking and have a thought producing presentations. I also challenge the students to top on another in their presentations and build on what they have seen others do in the past.

Professor Justin Watrel, CEO & Co-Founder of Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.

Two semesters ago we created the project “It’s Cultural on Campus-Bergen Community College” publicizing the Gallery Bergen, The Ciccone Theater and the Bergen Room Bistro to the outside community. It was a ‘Digital Campaign’ to bring people to the Bergen Community College campus from all over Bergen County, NJ to enjoy all the wonderful things to do and see on our campus. The project was a huge success and all the Professors and Departments involved really enjoyed the Presentations (See Day Two Hundred and Sixty-Six):

Day Two Hundred and Sixty-Six: “It’s Cultural on Campus”:


One of my counterparts on campus loved the campaign and ‘hired’ (asked me) to expand the project for a “Digital Campaign” for the Bergen Room and expand the project with all new menus, commercials and create a special Themed Dinner for the student dining room. This resulted in “Dining in the Bergen Room”:

The Project Idea:

I got Professor Drakeford and Professor/Chef Morrisey involved in the project and we worked together to see the best ways to promote the success of the Culinary Program’s Student Run Dining Room.

I created the Teams two weeks before the Spring Break and got them started on their project. When we returned from the Spring Break, we arranged for the class to dine in the Bergen Room. Chef Morrisey and his Team of Culinary Students created a special menu for us when the Bergen Room was closed and the students got feast on a four course meal courtesy of the Culinary Arts Department.

Having lunch with my students at the Bergen Room on the Bergen Community College Campus in Paramus, NJ:

My TripAdvisor reviews on the Bergen Room:


The menu that afternoon:

We started the Testing Menu with a Pumpkin Carrot Ginger Soup.

Then we had the second course with a Toasted Green Salad with a light Cream Dressing.

The main course was a Chicken in a Creamy Peppercorn Sauce, Baked Pasta and Roasted Brussel Spouts.

The meal was completed with a Cream Cheesecake that tasted more like a cream cake and topped with Fresh Strawberries.

All the Teams got to dine with one another and get to know each member in a less formal setting.

This meal got the students to know their product better and look around the Bergen Room and see how they could take this student run dining room and transform it to a special themed event that would dazzle myself and the other Professors and bring in the paying public. Here are some of their ideas:

Along the way, I had various speakers come in to talk to the students. Professor Tim Blunk from the Art Department and the Curator for Gallery Bergen, our on campus Art Gallery came in to talk to the students about the artists that are available on campus and the number of students on campus who are looking for projects for their portfolios. He also discussed some of the happenings at Gallery Bergen.

Professor Jim Bumgarner, the head of our Theater Department, came in to talk to the students on the student singers, actors and dancers that study at the college. He discussed upcoming shows and theater events planned for the future. He added too that there are a lot of students looking to add to their resumes on projects like this.

Our last in house field trip was to the Horticultural Department and to the Greenhouses in Ender Hall. Dr. Steven Fischer, who is head of the Holocultural Program, gave us a tour and talk on the growing seasons, the plants that are grown and available in the greenhouses, the arrangements that are created for the Bergen Room Bistro.

The tour of Greenhouses on our last inhouse field trip with Dr. Fischer explaining the greenhouses.

Asking questions about the floral arrangements used for the Bergen Room.

Discussion of the grounds of the Horticulture Department grounds.

It was a good tour and opened the students eyes on how events were decorated and where the flowers came from and how they were grown. The students were creating their centerpieces for their theme dinners and I wanted them to see where they would get the flowers from.

My President and SVP of Operations on the field trip to the Greenhouses.

We finished our last Board meeting the week before the Presentation and then the Executive Team had a week to make the adjustments. We would be presenting the Project in the Bergen Room Bistro on April 24th, 2024.

The new Corporate website for the Bergen Room Team:


The Presentation Day had some hiccups along the way but overall it was a great Presentation. I was so proud of the students. Each of the competing Teams set up for extra credit a table in the Bergen Room on how their Dining Experience would be set for the evening of their meal. I have to say that the Teams did a nice job with the decorations and all received extra credit for their place settings. There was a lot of creativity in this class.

The were the three Team tables on how they would be set for their ideas for the Student Fundraiser.

Team One’s Display Table

Team Two’s Display table (The Wining Team)

Team Three’s Display Table

The Three Teams then started their Presentations to Chef Morrisey and his student staff, invited guests and friends of the students who came to see the Student Consultants ideas. What creativity! Each team had to present their theme, their menus, music for the event, artwork, floral arrangements and Social Media campaigns. It was an afternoon of a lot of creativity and though that went into each Teams ideas.

Here are their Commercials promoting the Bergen Room:

Team One:

Team Two:

Team Three:

Here are their Presentations from the afternoon. Each Team had to ‘pitch’ their ideas to the Culinary Team.

Team One:

Team Two:

Team Three:

The Teams competed for the prize being the most creative and effective project to sell the Bergen Room Bistro to the outside community.

Team Three even created for extra credit a AI version of visiting the Bergen Room.

After the Team conclusion, it was time for questions and answers. The point of the whole project was to get the students ready for a career in business and marketing and there were questions of why the project was taken so seriously. The answer I had for one parent was that you want your son or daughter to get a good job out of college? It is better they get their lumps here than on a new job. They will be more prepared for the workforce.

One parent did compliment me in that his son was so excited about the project and it really showcased his son’s talents in filming and graphics. That was nice to hear that students are excited about their work. I know that these are the students that will get good jobs out of college and be prepared for Corporate expectations.

I couldn’t more proud of a group of students that banded together to showcase this wonderfully run student dining room.

Have you been there yet?

I took pictures with my Executive Team before the Presentation. I very proudly wore my Alumni Chef’s Jacket from when I graduated from the Culinary Institute of America in 1998. I don’t think it had been out of the dry cleaning plastic since that time.

Professor/Chef/CEO Justin Watrel with SVP of Operations Ayesha Zulfiqar and President Tugay Bera Bozogluer.

Professor Justin Watrel with the winning Team Project from Team Two. I was very impressed with their work. The Team was lead by Vice-President Mauricio Benitez and Team Leader Dennis Shkembi.

My group picture with Team Three lead by Vice-President Taner Ender and Team Leaders Kane Cheng.

Our Corporate picture for the Bergen Room Team at the end of the Presentation.

I am so proud of my students each semester. I like knowing I am training the next group of Executives for their future.

Day Two Hundred and Eighty-Nine: Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. presents: “Go Bulldogs!: Spring Open House 2024” December 6th, 2023

In my live classes, I open my consulting company, “Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.”, for business and the whole class bands together and we have one big project. In the era of post-COVID and online learning, I was lucky that I was able to teach one of the live classes on the Bergen Community College, Paramus Campus. It was such a pleasure welcoming students back to campus with live lectures and conversing with them.

The Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. corporate logo of the six trees

Contact Us

In the past, I have created these projects under the Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. banner, the main consulting company, the Orion Malls banner, a Mall design company and the Buscomonzefi.com banner, my Tech Division. Each business does its best to be creative, forward thinking and have a thought producing presentations. I also challenge the students to top on another in their presentations and build on what they have seen others do in the past.

Professor Justin Watrel, CEO & Co-Founder of Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.

Recently our college was talking about recruitment to the school and the outreach to the high schools. I had seen the recent “Open House’ flyers and emails on campus and sent to my email and I thought the event could have a bit more pizzaz to it. You were trying to recruit students to come to the college and I thought there could be more to it. Working from our Homecoming, Welcome Week and Ambassadors programs that we had done in the past, I thought of “Go Bulldogs Go!-Open House Spring 2024”, a reinvented Open House with dinners, events, concerts and fun activities for the high school students, their parents and current students to enjoy.

“Go Bulldogs Go-Open House 2024 at Bergen Community College Project:

From here I picked my Executive Team and the various Divisional Teams to complete the project. We had the Talent Team, which pays for everything and get the Benefits package together along with the creating the Holiday Party at the end of the project. The Entertainment Team, who would provide all the musicians and musical performances to all the events that we had planned, the Food Service Team, which created all the menus, meals and ideas for serving food and snacks at all the functions. The most important Team was the Marketing Team, who had to promote the whole program to the high schools, Administration, Students and Parents, to all the events and to the Alumni. It was a big job and we only had seven weeks to put the whole thing together.

Being a CEO does have its headaches though. When you have a class of thirty people working on a project, there is a lot going on and there are those who try to ‘piggyback’ off other students and some just disappear. I had both of those. There were a lot of students I had to work with going forward on this project and a lot of leading I had to do. Having three projects going simultaneously was a lot of work for myself and my Executive Teams but I knew all of them could do it.

This was a project that I really wanted to come to life. I think we can do more for our student recruiting and wanted the programs to really shine to show the best of the college and all its attributes. The first day of the project, I broke the class up into Teams and discussed the project.

The Open House that we were creating was a three day event where we engaged both high school students and their parents, the current student body of Bergen Community College and Alumni.

I challenged the students to put a Pep Rally together for the sports teams on campus, a active concert and games, a nice International dinner and a breakfast brunch with music and an active tour of campus while promoting the campus for students to attend. The tours were created to show the best attributes of campus such as the music labs, the AI labs, the Ciccone Theater, the Bergen Room, Gallery Bergen and all our sporting facilities. There is so much at our campus that people do not see on these tours. I also do not like the idea that we burden students with financial aid issues not instead of when they accept coming so I put less emphasis on that. I want them to know all the great cultural things they can enjoy when they do decide to come to Bergen Community College.

As part of the class, I had an in class field trip around campus. I could not believe that most of these students didn’t know that all these things existed on campus. I should have learned from previous classes. This is how this all got inspired. When I asked all the students what their experience was like on campus, most of them just said that they came to class and went home. They never ventured around the campus. A few ate in the cafeteria and one or two had been to the Ciccone Theater and a few more had heard of Gallery Bergen.

The in class trip included Gallery Bergen, with its new contemporary art exhibition, the Bergen Room (in its old location) and the Ciccone Theater, where Professor Baumgartner was doing dress rehearsals but always has time to talk about the Theater Department. That really helps. Then we went outside to the new outdoor courtyard to show the students the logistics of where the concerts and some of the cultural events would take place. Then it back to the classroom to start getting the groups to work on the project. The majority of the students finally got what I was talking about and got to work. Then we started our weekly board meetings.

After seven weeks, the Teams were preparing for our Presentation on December 6th, 2023. I have to say that I was going through a lot in my personal life. Sinterklaas weekend had been the weekend before and all I had done is run around the Hudson River Valley with the Snowflake and Sinterklaas festivities in both Kingston and Rhinebeck, NY. There was a lot of running around the two towns plus running to Ringwood Manor before I left to take pictures of the mansion’s decorations for Christmas. I was not too sure how much time I would have after Christmas (I found that I had none) and was on a picture taking tour.

Then I had my own class presentations in Digital Marketing and Customer Relations class with much stress to get them right (I got ‘A’s on them both) and then had two days of my own students presentations to be followed by another presentation I had to make in Bloomingdales President Marvin Traub with his book “Like No other Store in the World” for my Hotel Sales & Marketing Class (another ‘A’) and then lead to another weekend of picture taking upstate of historical homes and towns. I never sat still and got very little sleep.

In the morning, I had presented my “I’m Glad I’m in Glen Rock, NJ” project with my Marketing class and that went off perfectly so I had high expectations of this class. My President and Senior Vice-President of Operations did not let me down. We had a few hiccups with the presentation but overall it was excellent and I was very impressed by the work and effort the students.

The project results were wonderful and it really showcased the campus with wonderful events to engage the students and their parents over a three day period. I know if the campus really put this whole event on, we would recruit a lot more students with no problems.

What was nice that evening was talking with the parents after the presentation. They were not only impressed by their sons and daughters presentation but impressed by the whole class. That all keep wondering how I get them all to dress up and especially shave. I always reply the same thing, I grade them. I really think though it is the pride that the students have in doing a good job and wanting the look the part of being an executive representing the company. This project prepares them for a future that is unknown to them but now a lot less scary.

They are now prepared for the real world.

The PowerPoint Presentation:


The Presentation:

Part of the Presentation by the Talent Team

The Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. Corporate picture:

The Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. Paramus Team-Bulldog Open House 2023.

The Corporate website for Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. that they created for this project:


This contains all the commercials, artwork, the PowerPoint and headquarters plans.

The Holiday Party Project:

In lieu of the traditional quiz, I have the students get back in their groups and create ideas for a Corporate Christmas Party for the New Brunswick headquarters. It always amazes me what the Teams can do in an hour. The funny part by this point is that they are so used to working with one another it becomes second nature to them. This quiz is a nice way to end the semester and maybe create some new friendships amongst the students.

Introduction to Business Quiz Four:

The Holiday Party Presentation:

The Introduction to the “Holiday Party’ project.

The President and Senior Vice-President of Operations in their corporate holiday greeting.

The Entertainment Team’s Holiday Presentation.

The Entertainment Team’s Holiday greeting.

The Talent Team’s Holiday Presentation.

The Talent Team’s Holiday Greeting

The Marketing Team’s Holiday Presentation.

The Marketing Team’s Holiday Greeting

The Culinary Team’s Holiday Presentation.

The Culinary Team’s Holiday greeting.

The Holiday ideas were excellent and the Corporate Christmas Party was a huge success!

Day Two Hundred and Sixty-Six Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. presents: “It’s Cultural on Campus” promoting the Bergen Room, Gallery Bergen and The Ciccone Theater for tourism in Bergen County, New Jersey April, 26th, 2023

In my live classes, I open my consulting company, “Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.”, for business and the whole class bands together and we have one big project. In the era of post-COVID and online learning, I was lucky that I was able to teach one of the live classes on the Bergen Community College, Paramus Campus. It was such a pleasure welcoming students back to campus with live lectures and conversing with them.

The Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. corporate logo of the six trees

Contact Us

In the past, I have created these projects under the Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. banner, the main consulting company, the Orion Malls banner, a Mall design company and the Buscomonzefi.com banner, my Tech Division. Each business does its best to be creative, forward thinking and have a thought producing presentations. I also challenge the students to top on another in their presentations and build on what they have seen others do in the past.

Professor Justin Watrel, CEO & Co-Founder of Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.

This time around I got a request from a fellow professor who wanted to promote Gallery Bergen, our on-campus art gallery, for outside tourism. I liked the challenge of that because I have used Gallery Bergen in the past for cocktail parties and gatherings in my other projects such as Welcome Week, Homecoming and visiting the campus. I had always opened my events or included Gallery Bergen in some way in the past projects.

Now Professor Tim Blunk, the art professor who runs the gallery, gave us the challenge of how-to bring people from the Bergen County community into the gallery for the then current Faith Ringgold exhibition “From Jones Road”. Since I had so many students in the class, I thought about a competition between three groups as I had for the “Caribe Cafe” project in which each group would a presentation on the same subject, but I thought we really needed to promote other parts of campus as well.

The interview with Professor Tim Blunk on Gallery Bergen. The inspiration for this project.

So I added The Bergen Room, our Culinary Department’s student dining room and the Ciccone Theater and the Theater Department. I asked all the professors who are involved in these different departments, and they were all enthusiastic about the project. They have been helpful in many of my projects over the last decade.

This time around I had an Executive Team to run the whole show. In the ‘Caribe Cafe’ concept, I had Team Leaders run each Team but with no one in charge of the whole project. I needed an Executive Team to run the presentation, put the website together, put the Team Wrap Up party at the end of the project together and create the budget.

I was very lucky in that one of my students had been the Team Leader for Marketing for our “Springfest” project was in my Marketing class and I knew who was going to get the top spot (and as the CEO/Co-Founder of Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc I know who’s talented). I picked another student whose “Be a tourist in your own Town” paper on Dumont was excellent to be the Senior Vice-President of Operations. Both ladies work was wonderful and could not have been more professional. They both did an excellent job on putting the whole project together and running the presentation.

The President and Senior Vice-President of Operations ran the presentation, engaged with the Executive Team their ideas for the Office Space for the Team and their ideas for the Wrap-Up Party. Their ideas were well received by the Team.

Then each Team presented their section of the project which consisted of ideas to promote their site, presentation of their commercial and their interview with the professor who ran that division of campus. Each Team member discussed their section of the project and the ideas they had to bring in more of the Bergen County community to the college.

The Proposal for the project “It’s Cultural on Campus”:

The Logo for “It’s Cultural on Campus”:

The PowerPoint Presentation:


The Website:


The YouTube Presentation:

The Executive Team for “It’s Cultural on Campus”:

CEO Professor Justin Watrel with President Valery Cardona and SVP of Operations Rachel Montpellier and their Team of Vice-Presidents and Team Leaders and Members.

The day of the presentation since it had to be done during the day all four of the professors who assisted in the project were in classes but one parent did show up and she was the one who took our picture. That made me happy.

The presentation was wonderful as each group presented their ideas to better advertise and promote each facility to the Bergen County and beyond target market of customers. The student dining room was presenting lunch each Thursday afternoon at 11:00am, the Faith Ringgold exhibition was in full swing at Gallery Bergen and the Theater Department was promoting their showcase so there was a lot going on at the Bergen Community College campus. The students presented the way to get people there.

We had a small Q & A because there were just two of us there. This was followed by a light reception for the students before they had to head to their next classes and work. I could not have been more proud of a group of students accomplishing this project.

Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. headquarters thanks you too!


The Gallery Bergen Team:

An Excellent job promoting the “Faith Ringgold” exhibition (in Spanish)

The Bergen Room Team:

The Ciccone Theater Team:

We got to see part of the latest production from the theater and interview with the director

You can see the interviews with the Professors for each department on the full presentation.

I wanted to thank Professors Tim Blunk of Gallery Bergen, Professor Jim Bumgardner of the Theater Department & Ciccone Theater and Professor Rhonda Drakeford and Chef/Professor Aaron Morrisey for their assistance in making this project the success it was for the students. A special thank you to my boss, Dr. Pierre Laguerre for his constant support on making these projects possible.

A big congratulations to the Marketing Team. You are the ones that brought the project to life!

Day Two Hundred and Sixty-Five Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. presents: “Feasting at Bergen Community College-Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner” April 26th, 2023

In my live classes, I open my consulting company, “Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.”, for business and the whole class bands together and we have one big project. In the era of post-COVID and online learning, I was lucky that I was able to teach one of the live classes on the Bergen Community College, Paramus Campus. It was such a pleasure welcoming students back to campus with live lectures and conversing with them.

The Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. corporate logo of the six trees

Contact Us

In the past, I have created these projects under the Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. banner, the main consulting company, the Orion Malls banner, a Mall design company and the Buscomonzefi.com banner, my Tech Division. Each business does its best to be creative, forward thinking and have a thought producing presentations. I also challenge the students to top on another in their presentations and build on what they have seen others do in the past.

Professor Justin Watrel, CEO & Co-Founder of Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.

This semester I wanted to do something different and I decided to partner with our new foodservice vendor for the college, American Dining Creations and figure out a way to promote the business to the students and faculty. I know that the pizzeria has been very successful as well as the Starbucks on the first floor but the cafeteria has been struggling even with the change of the menu.

American Dining Creations:

So the proposal that I had for the students was how can we market, advertise and promote our food service facilities. How can we engage with the students and faculty to get them to eat here? How could we promote the Loyalty program to get more people eating in all outlets?

I also wanted the students to create new brand logos to have a theme more related to the campus. I wanted to see their creativity with creating commercials to promote the outlets. I know I expect a lot in a short period of time but every semester, I know the students are up for the challenge.

As usual I break the students up in Teams lead by a Vice-Presidents and Team Leaders. I found last semester with the ‘Caribe Cafe’ concept that I still need someone to coordinate the whole thing, so I choose my President and Senior Vice-President of Operations from the pool of student resumes that I get every semester. Some are good, some are not good and some are indifferent but I have knack for raw talent. I do every semester.

I chose my president and SVP of Operations from the pool of students and they did not disappoint me. They held their meetings, organized their meetings with their Vice-Presidents and Team Leaders, organized their Wrap Up Party and had to find their office space. It is quite the challenge.

Every semester I have those students that just do not get the project and can’t seem to handle the work. They challenge the work and just don’t want to do it. This is a reflective of how they will behave in the work force when they graduate. These are the ones who when they fill out faculty evaluations can’t gasp that I preparing them for a life after graduation. This reflects in their presentation.

It was a challenge as it is every semester. I have my internal challenges with the students. I have to keep everyone motivated. This is why I have an Executive Team to run things. I let the students work this out amongst themselves.

Like all my projects, I really got to see the student Team’s creativity. I asked the students to come up with a game plan to bring more students and faculty to dine at the cafeteria. The would create new logos for the outlets, new menus and food ideas and a series of commercials to promote the two outlets. I also asked them to think of design ideas for the cafeteria. There were a lot of creative ideas that came from rebranding the two outlets.

Where there were a lot of creative and unique ideas was in the menus and the diversity of food that the students had for the main cafeteria.Some Teams developed dishes with an Asian fusion influence. Some came up with Tapas and many Spanish influenced ideas. Turkish food and a Middle Eastern influence has become popular and I saw many different ideas for this as well. Some kept it classic and wanted to see more sandwiches and maybe an ice cream bar.

All the ideas kept the concept fresh and it was not always the traditional burgers, chicken sandwich and fingers and subs that the cafeteria in the past was featuring. This is good as a sample but students tastes are changing. Also with such a diverse student body and people being more adventurous eaters, I think their ideas were brilliant.

The night of the presentation went off very well. Like all my other presentations, I wish the attendance had been a bit better. We had a nice nice amount of family and friends of the students but no one from Administration came which bummed me out. I thought this was a major way to contribute to a new vendor with input from the students.

My Executive Team just like the morning class really impressed me. Some students who I was not sure how they would present really impressed me with their ideas, their creativity and especially the way they were dressed. The students came ‘Dressed for Success’ in suits, blazers, dresses, skirts and matching pant suits. I have a lot of convincing of the students that this will be the wave of the future when people start heading back to the offices in droves. People will want to see well dressed workers in the office.

Some of the things that impressed me the most was the use each Team had in creating a mobile App for the cafeteria. I thought this was a good idea and could control orders, pick up and food waste. The commercials were especially impressive with a lot ways to get students in the door. What I also liked was some Teams thought out of the box and came up with creative solutions on how to redesign the cafeteria dining room to make it more user friendly. I liked the idea of couches, new seating and things like ping pong games and video games for the students in between classes.

By the end of the evening, Jack seemed very impressed by the whole presentation and asked some interesting questions. He told me later on he could not believe all of this came from students. I told him from the beginning that this is his target market and you have to ask them what they want from the food service on campus. Even some of the parents walked up to me and could not believe this was a student presentation. They were impressed by the professionalism of it all. I told them that this is where their tuition dollars were going.

We concluded with a small reception of my homemade cookies and brownies where once again nothing was left. It was another success promotion by the executives of Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.

The project “Feasting at Bergen Community College: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner”:

The Logos for the Presentation:

Team One:

Team Two:

Team Three:

Barbecue Project:

The Corporate Website for the project:


The Powerpoint for the project:


The Full YouTube Presentation for the project:

The Executive Team for “Feasting a Bergen Community College: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner”:

Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. President Angelo and Senior Vice-President of Operations Olga Medina and their Executive Team of Vice-Presidents, Team Leaders and Team Members on Presentation Night.

The Team Presentations:

Team One Presentation:

Team Two Presentation:

Team Three Presentation:

The week after the presentations, I gave the students Quiz Four. Just like last semester, I decided to make ti a group project and had the students create a Summer Barbecue concept. Read an imaginary letter from one of my partners about organizing a Corporate Barbecue dinner and the students had to create an invitation, a menu and then a video welcome. Everyone in the class got an “A” and here is some of their ideas:

Spring Quiz Four (The Shared Project with my morning class):

The Summer Barbecue Project presentations:

The group presentations were fun.

I find this a lot more fun than a standard quiz and the students get a kick out of the Team building. That and everyone got an “A” on Quiz Four.

I wanted to thank Jack Yukel from American Dining Creations for being so helpful to me and to the class and so supportive of this project. It was his input that made this Team project so successful. Second I wanted to thank all the students in my Introduction to Business class who made this project come to life. It is your creativity each semester that make this projects the success that they are for the class.

Thank you from Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.!

Day Two Hundred and Fifty-Two Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. presents: “Springfest 2023” at Bergen Community College November 16th, 2022

I constantly try to come up with innovative ideas to promote Bergen Community College with engaging ideas to get students involved the way the four year colleges get their students involved. The courtyard by the main building was just finished being renovated and it is a really nice place for students to gather. There are a lots of places to sit and for people to talk. We have been using it for smaller events when the weather is nice but not in the way to get the whole college involved. I was thinking of ideas of how to get my Introduction to Business students engaged this semester and I had a big group of students (32) to get motivated. Things have changed since COVID started.

In my live classes, I open my consulting company, “Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.”, for business and the whole class bands together and we have one big project. In the era of post-COVID and online learning, I was lucky that I was able to teach one of the live classes on the Bergen Community College, Paramus Campus. It was such a pleasure welcoming students back to campus with live lectures and conversing with them.

The Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. corporate logo of the six trees

Contact Us

In the past, I have created these projects under the Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. banner, the main consulting company, the Orion Malls banner, a Mall design company and the Buscomonzefi.com banner, my Tech Division. Each business does its best to be creative, forward thinking and have a thought producing presentations. I also challenge the students to top on another in their presentations and build on what they have seen others do in the past.

Professor Justin Watrel, CEO & Co-Founder of Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.

I came up with “Springfest” when I was looking for names of college events and it sounded like a fun name. I thought back to “Dragon Days” at Cornell and how much fun the students had during that week. At Michigan State, we did not have too many of these campus wide when I was there and we created our own when I lived at Wilson Hall. Welcome Week, Winter Carnival, State is Great Week, and Spring Fling were on their way to becoming traditions at our hall.

At Bergen Community College, we don’t have any big traditional events like these since we are commuter campus. I wanted to change that and I challenged the students to come up with ideas that would involve the whole college. In the past semesters we have created an Student Ambassador Program, Welcome Week for new students, Homecoming for students and Alumni and Springfest would be another big student/alumni event. It would be a series of concerts, dinners, a pep rally and an alumni breakfast that students could join in. It would also be a community event and introduce new students to campus.

Springfest would bridge that gap and a way to show off the campus and all its attributes. I also challenged the students to write a school song. This is the third time that I have done this and the students always do a different take on it. I like the different versions of the song that come from each group.

Like my other two classes, my Marketing class was creating “It’s Wonderful in Westwood, NJ-Be a Tourist in your own Town” and my other Introduction to Business class was creating “Caribe Cafe-A Taste of the Caribbean”, I used the Hierarchy system and created an Executive Team with a President, SVP of Operations, Vice-Presidents, Team Leaders and Team Members. Like my other classes, I had a lot of drama with this group.

“Springfest 2023” was to be a three day Spring Festival with concerts every night, a pep rally for all the sports teams, a barbecue, a student organization introduction, welcome to new students, a carnival with games and actors walking around, food trucks and an alumni breakfast. The students made all of this come to life with creative and innovative ideas in their proposal. I was impressed by the ingenuity that the student consultants showed that evening. My President and Senior Vice-President of Operations showed a cool and calm front and the utmost professionals that evening, leading their Team to success in the presentation.

The project was not without its share of problems and it is all things we see in the real world in the workforce. I had Team members I had to constantly talk to about their performances, their lack of input and not communicating with the Vice-President. I swear I had not done this much discipline since I worked at Macy’s. So this is what the modern CEO is going through. I know that cellphones are going to the bain of our society and our modern business world.

Even through all the drama that I had to endure and what challenges I put the Executive Team through, the student executives overcame it and put together one hell of a presentation. In the end though I had to fire three students from the project and I never did that before but again the modern CEO has a company to run and people who will not do the work can’t be part of the results. They need to find another place to work.

Still, I was proud of the students and here is the project “Springfest 2023”:

The proposed Logo for “Springfest”:

The new logo for “Springfest”:

The website for “Springfest”:


Here is the PowerPoint Presentation of the Project:


The Talent Team’s Office Presentation:

The Marketing Team’s ‘Springfest’ commercial:

The Marketing Team’s “Welcome to Bergen Community College” Video:

The Marketing Team’s Instagram Account:

The Entertainment Team’s video on the new school song:

See the presentation below

The Presentation of the Paramus Team Project “Springfest 2023”:

In lieu of giving a forth quiz, I gave the Teams the scenario that my Corporate partner, Susan Gonzales Honan, was impressed by the Team’s performance on the project and challenged the four Teams to come up with ideas for the New Brunswick Corporate Christmas Party. The project included creating an invitation, a menu with an appetizer, main dish, dessert and a signature Christmas drink. The Entertainment Team was asked to create an original Christmas song for the company. They came up with a very interesting rap song. Here are the results from each Team.

CEO Justin Watrel with Vice-President of Entertainment Joshua Manns and his Executive Team on the night of the presentation.

The Corporate Christmas Party Project-Quiz Four:

The Corporate Christmas Party ideas from the Paramus, NJ Teams:

The Powerpoint Presentation:

The Executive Team’s Ideas for the party:

Merry Christmas from Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.!

Day Two Hundred and Ten: Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. presents: The creation of the case study: “Market Street Candy & Confections” December 16th, 2021

The Creation of the Case Study Project “Market Street Candy & Confections”:

I have been teaching “Introduction to Business 101” at Bergen Community College for several years now and in the era of COVID, it has been especially difficult. With businesses shutting down and reopening in a different business environment, I think some of my students thought it was an unusual time to open a business. This is when you need to test your entrepreneurship when times are tough.

In my live classes, I open my consulting company, “Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.”, for business and the whole class bands together and we have one big project. In the era of COVID and online learning, these projects become impossible to do as a group so each student got the opportunity to create their own store.

The Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. corporate logo

Contact Us

In the past, I have created these projects under the Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. banner, the main consulting company, the Orion Malls banner, a Mall design company and the Buscomonzefi.com banner, my Tech Division. Each business does its best to be creative, forward thinking and have a thought producing presentations.

Professor Justin Watrel, CEO & Consultant Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.

While my other class worked on their case study project, “I’ve got a Golden Ticket to Bergen Community College-Homecoming 2022”, a full-blown Group project for my live class, I had my online class create their own business with the project “Market Place Candy & Confections”, a artisan candy and dessert shop that is a 100-year-old business they bought and are now reopening with a modern twist.

Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. Presents: “I’ve got a Golden Ticket to Bergen Community College-Homecoming 2022”


The concept of the project was to reopen a traditional candy shop in a town or city that had recently closed and the furnishings and decorations were sold off for profit to pay bills, so the building and store were now gutted and had to be rebuilt and redesigned with a modern twist and concept. They had to now had to know their target market, stock the store with product and prepare it for opening by hiring staff and creating an ad for the “100th Anniversary Celebration” of the store.

The students now had the store and name of the store but little else to start with other than a past reputation. Here I had the students use their creativity to remake the store from the ground up. Our textbook for the class “Understanding Business” by Nickels & McHugh broke the way you start a business chapter by chapter and that is what I had the students do to open the store.

We start the project by Chapter Five in the book “How to form a Business” when talking about starting a business as a “Sole Proprietorship or Partnership” and then to Chapter Six “Entrepreneurship and Starting a Small Business” with logos and Brand Recognition. I challenge the students to show me what they want their store to represent and what type of imagine that they want to portray to the customers. I remind them that this is the first thing that the customers will see and remember them by.

The logos for “Market Street Candy & Confections”:

Market Street Candy & Confections: Logo One

Market Street Candy & Confections: Logo Two

Market Street Candy & Confections: Logo Three

Market Street Candy & Confections: Logo Four

Market Street Candy & Confections: Logo Five

Market Street Candy & Confections: Logo Six

Market Street Candy & Confections: Logo Seven

We next covered Chapter Seven “Management and Leadership” where we worked on the goals and objectives of a business. This is where the students worked on their strategic planning of the business. When we talk about who we strive to be as a business, this is when we form the Mission Statement, which is an outline of the fundamental purposes of an organization.

The Mission Statements:

Mission Statement: One

Mission Statement: Two

We discussed in Chapter Eight “Structuring Organizations for Today’s Challenges”, where we talked about the hierarchy of a corporation and then Chapter Nine “Production and Operational Management”, where we learned about concepts of Facility Location, where we have to select the location for the company’s operations. When creating the concept, I also have them design what the inside of the store should look like to the customer.

The Market Street Candy & Confections Store Design:

Market Street Candy & Confections: Store Design One

Market Street Candy & Confections: Store Design Two

Market Street Candy & Confections: Store Design Three

Market Street Candy & Confections: Store Design Four

Chapter Thirteen “Marketing: Helping Buyers Buy” with selling concepts of merchants. We talked about target markets, geographic segmentation and consumer marketing. I was trying to get the students to how to reach out to customers.

We started by advertising the store for its “100th Anniversary Celebration” is a way to bring more customers into the store to let them see the new developments they would be making. We built this even further in Chapter Fourteen “Developing and Pricing Goods and Services”, when picking or creating product lines for a company.

The Market Street Candy & Confections Bundling & 100th Anniversary Ads:

Market Street Candy & Confections: 100th Anniversary Ad One

Market Street Candy & Confections: 100th Anniversary Ad Two

Market Street Candy & Confections: 100th Anniversary Ad Three

Market Street Candy & Confections: 100th Anniversary Ad Four

Market Street Candy & Confections: 100th Anniversary Ad Five

Market Street Candy & Confections: 100th Anniversary Ad Six

When discussing Chapter Fourteen, I also had the students create a Bundling promotion of putting two or more items together and promoting them at one price but I have no artwork for that. With Chapter Sixteen “Using Effective Promotions”, I asked them how this anniversary event might promote new items at the store and what classic candies they might want to carry.

The last project that unfortunately I was not able to give them because of the Thanksgiving Break and the way it fell was from Chapter Eleven “Human Resource Management: Finding and keeping the Best Employees”, the Job Description project, where they would create an ad for hiring new employees. The deadlines for the project just got too close.

By the end of the semester, about a third of the class successfully opened their store for business with a location of the town where they bought the business, their created image, the product that they wanted to sell and the people they wanted to hire. They were then ready for opening day for the “100th Anniversary of the Store”.

It always amazes me what these students are thinking and where they want to take their businesses. Some of them look ready to open the store in real life. That is when this project gets to be interesting and fun.

This was an interesting project that I want to share with other College Professors who might want to rework and use the project if they teach an Introduction to Business class as well:

The Classwork for the Project:

The Class Participation Questions:

The Papers for the Project:

The Quizzes for the Project:

Good luck in your class as well!

The project was based on two local candy/ice cream stores we have here in Bergen County, NJ:

Conrad’s Confectionary at 107 Westwood Avenue in Westwood, NJ:



My review on LittleShoponMainStreet@Wordpress.com:


My review on TripAdvisor:


Bischoff’s Confectionary at 468 Cedar Lane in Teaneck, NJ (Closed December 2022):



My review on LittleShoponMainStreet@Wordpress.com:


My review on TripAdvisor:


Day Two Hundred and Nine: Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. presents: “I’ve got a Golden Ticket to Bergen Community College-Homecoming 2022” December 10th, 2021

The students of my Business 101 class keep dazzling me.

The Creation of the Case Study Project “I’ve got a Golden Ticket to Bergen Community College-Homecoming 2022”:

I have been teaching “Introduction to Business 101” at Bergen Community College for several years now and in the era of COVID, it has been especially difficult. With businesses shutting down never to reopen getting students to understand that business must go on and pivot is a difficult thing to do. You have to learn to adapt and survive or else everything fails.

In my live classes, I open my consulting company, “Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.”, for business and the whole class bands together and we have one big project. In the era of COVID and online learning, I was lucky that I was able to teach one of the live classes on the Bergen Community College, Paramus Campus. It was such a pleasure welcoming students back to campus with live lectures and conversing with them.

What I discovered later on is that we were the only class on campus that night and it was pretty gloomy walking the halls all by myself late on a Friday evening. The upside of all of this is that we had the whole campus to stretch out in and later in the class I changed rooms to a more formal lecture room for the presentation. I thought this was more COVID safe for the students.

The Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. corporate logo of the six trees

Contact Us

In the past, I have created these projects under the Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. banner, the main consulting company, the Orion Malls banner, a Mall design company and the Buscomonzefi.com banner, my Tech Division. Each business does its best to be creative, forward thinking and have a thought producing presentations.

Professor Justin Watrel, CEO & Consultant Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.

My welcome to Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. from the CEO of the company:

While my other class worked on their case study project, “Market Street Candy & Confections”, a 100-year-old candy store concept, “I’ve got a Golden Ticket to Bergen Community College-Homecoming 2022”, a project promoting Bergen Community College to the Alumni got off to the ground running.

The project “Market Street Candy & Confections”:


In a class that has to stay socially distanced and met only once a week it got difficult.

Our Logo from the novel “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by author Ronald Dahl.

“I’ve got a Golden Ticket to Bergen Community College”

Every semester it is the same thing with the students. Some take the project seriously and some think it is a chore and go back to looking at their cellphones the whole semester. As usual, those are the students whose work shows it and gets the lower grades.

When I put my executive team together this semester, I found a nice combination of students who really worked well together. How I choose my executives is the same way any CEO would, I get a copy of their resume which serves as my first paper for the class. I work with the students to be sure that their resume is ready for future job interviews and internships or transfers to another four-year school. This is where I can see where the students experience lies and what skills they can perform.

The second paper I have the students write is “What would I do Better?”, a two-page paper on a situation on a job or extra-curricular activity that went terribly wrong and how they might have fixed it. The paper always shows me how the student would handle adversity under pressure. It also shows me the student’s character. This is how I pick my executives plus I use my gut instinct on how they act in class. Almost 95% of the time, I am correct.

The students I chose for my Executive Team were all Bi or Tri-Lingual, all were pretty ambitious and I thought had a sense of creativity. One of my Executives went AWOL after the second class and one of his Team Members took over the VP roll. I could not have asked for a more prepared student of the role of Vice-President. This is when students can surprise you with their flexibility and creativity under pressure.

So, every week we had Board Meetings to check progress and see how each Team was performing and getting their work done. I always have my procrastinators but for the most part everything was handled on time and towards the last two weeks I saw the students ban together to get the work done. Still, I had a few students either go AWOL or just drop the class and that was it so there was some rearranging to do along the way. This is what happens in a real corporation, so it was just like real life.

The night of the presentation, it was nice to see the students all dressed up. All the women looked so professional in suits, skirts, slacks and dresses while most of the men were in either suit and tie or jacket and tie. I few I will have to teach how to iron a shirt or tie a tie correctly.

I could not have been prouder of my student executives on their presentation. They put together a wonderful presentation in promoting Bergen Community College to Alumni and students, promoting our Athletic program with student athletic and parent events with Alumni attendance and meals that would bring Alumni together in the “Bulldog” tradition. All throughout the presentation we kept the “Willy Wonka” theme in all of our events.

What really impressed me was the touching dedication to the late Gene Wilder, the star of the original 1971 film from the Executives to both him and his widow, Susan Wilder. I think that showed the heart of the project of how much this film means to people.

Congratulations everyone on this excellent project and Happy New Year!

*Please watch and read the different parts of the project to see its progress.

The Project:

“I’ve got a Golden Ticket to Bergen Community College-Homecoming 2022”

The Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. website for the project:

The Video of the Presentation:

Part One:

Part Two:

Part Three:

Part Four:

The Commercials:

Welcome to the Alumni back to Bergen Community College:

Welcome to the Students Athletes to Bergen Community College:

Welcome young Alumni to Bergen Community College:

A very special dedication of the project to Mrs. Susan Wilder (Gene Wilder the star of the film’s wife):

I want to thank all my students in my “Introduction to Business 101” class for all their hard work on this presentation.


Professor Justin Watrel, CEO/Co-Founder

Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.

The Bergen Room Bistro- Bergen Community College 400 Paramus Road Paramus, NJ 07652

Don’t miss this interesting student dining experience from the Culinary students at Bergen Community College.

The Bergen Room for the Thanksgiving Dinner buffet.

Don’t miss the student run dining room, “The Bergen Room Bistro” at Bergen Community College for a four-course meal priced at $12.00. It’s a great dining experience.

One of the table set ups for our Team Project “Feasting at the Bergen Room: The Ultimate Dining Experience”.

Our class field trip to the Bergen Room

The Project: “Dining at the Bergen Room: The Ultimate Dining Experience”:


The Project: “It’s Cultural on Campus: Cultural sites of Bergen Community College”:


Italian Themed Dinner at the Bergen Room.

Dining on a Shoestring in the New York City area and beyond.

The Bergen Room Bistro-Bergen Community College

400 Paramus Road

Paramus, NJ  07652

Phone: (201) 447-7222

Open: Tuesday & Wednesday 11:00am-1:00pm (only when school is open)


My review on TripAdvisor:


The Bergen Room Bistro is the student run dining room that is part of the Hotel Management Program. The dining room is open depending on the semester. The restaurant is serves both lunch and dinner depending on the semester. The restaurant is open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays during the school year.

The Bergen Room BCC III

The Hotel Management Program at Bergen Community College

For $10.00 you get a four course meal cooked and served by the students. You are served a soup or a salad to begin with freshly baked breads that are made by the Baking students.

The Bergen Room BCC

The Hotel & Restaurant Students

You are next served an appetizer, a choice of two entrees, one a meat and the other a fish dish…

View original post 782 more words

Day One Hundred and Ninety-Five: Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. presents: The Creation of the Case Study for the shop “Scoops & Sundaes” May 14th, 2021

The Creation of the Case Study “Scoops & Sundaes”:

Every semester when I am teaching “Introduction to Business 101” at Bergen Community College, I have my class create a major class project in which the whole class becomes part of an Executive team of a mythical company. This way the class benefits from getting to know one another and starting to form their connections with each other both professionally and as a student body.

In the past we created Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc., my main company that I have used for the last three semesters, Orion Malls Inc., a Mall design firm and Buscomonzefi.com, my Tech company. Each was an example of how a business team needs to interact with one another and create their part of the business. It has been tough since we took our live classes to online classes so I refigured the project to an individual basis and asked each student to create one project from their standpoint.

The Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. corporate logo

Professor Justin Watrel, CEO Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc.

I had the class work on their project “Scoops & Sundaes”, an artisan ice cream shop. While my other class worked on their business project “Mother Goose’s Toy Chest” (See Day One Hundred and Ninety Six), the members of this class created an interesting shop many carrying homemade ice cream, baked items and gift products.

Day One Hundred and Ninety Six-“Mother Goose’s Toy Chest”


Using the textbook “Understanding Business” by William Nickels and James and Susan McHugh as our guide, we covered chapter by chapter on how to build a small business. Each student was asked to create their own store concept by reading Chapter Five “How to Form a Business” and Chapter Six “Entrepreneurship and Starting a Small Business”. We started the project when I assigned the concept and the first extra credit project by creating the logo for the store.

Here is some of the creativity of the logo’s for the store:

Logo One: “Scoops & Sundaes”

Logo Two: “Scoops & Sundaes”

Logo Three: “Scoops & Sundaes”

Logo Four: “Scoops & Sundaes”

Logo Five: “Scoops & Sundaes”

When we studied Chapter Seven “Management & Leadership” I had them create their Mission Statement to tell me who they were as a store owner and as a company. We then studied Chapter Eight “Structuring Organizations for Today’s Challenges” and Chapter Nine “Production and Operations Management”, I had them design their store layout and how they would show how it would work.

Store Design: “Scoops & Sundaes”

I gave a long lecture on Chapter Ten “Motivating Employees” and Chapter Eleven “Human Resources” to help the students understand that they can’t do it all themselves. There will be a point in the business where they will need to hire a few part timers for the Summer and Christmas holidays months when things get busy. Who are they looking for? What characteristics do they want in an employee? This lead to me asking them to create an ad for a Job Description. Looking for the perfect employee can be tough.

In Chapter Fourteen “Developing and Pricing Goods and Services”, I had the students think about promotions and how to sell multiples to help increase the bottom line and then in Chapter Sixteen “Using Effective Promotions”, when we studied ‘word of mouth’ and ‘sampling’ I had the students work on a Bundling Ad top promote their goods for sale as a promotion. This helped them understand how to increase sales in a tough COVID economy. I also had create a menu for their store as well. How will you stock your store and with what items?

Some of the menus they created were very clever:

The prototype for Menu One: “Scoops & Sundaes”

Menu Two: “Scoops & Sundaes”

Menu Three: “Scoops & Sundaes”

Some of the promotions for the “Bundling of Products” were highly effective. I had to explain to the students that Bundling is taking different products and promoting them a certain price point to make them seem more cost effective to buy in a grouping as McDonald’s does with their “Extra Value Meals”. Try to imagine if you had to buy the products on an individual basis.

Their ideas were very clever.

Bundling Ad for “Scoops & Sundaes”

The students earned extra credit for creating their Logos , The Mission Statement, their Menu, the Store Design, A Job Description and a Bundling Ad. Some students took full advantage of the project and the extra credit and it resulted in good grades.

To finish the project, I assigned their final two papers to discuss how they developed the project and then what they learned from it. For the most part the class understood and had a good time building their business.

Who knows, we may see a “Scoops & Sundaes” chain in the future.

Here is the supporting work for the project:

The Class Participation Questions to help build the project “Scoops & Sundaes”:

The Quizzes that also built onto the Project:

The Papers that showed their final results of the Project: